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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Our Researchers in the Lower Silesian Science Festival

Date: 30.10.2024 Category: General

dfn_2024-08.jpg27th Lower Silesian Science Festival was organised on 21 October, after some delay due to the flood risk. Our academic teachers held workshops for young learners, who had an opportunity to build their own Wi-Fi router reflector antenna.

The workshops titled „Foilmaking in the service of communication – build your own reflector antenna for a Wi-Fi router” was conducted by a group of educators from WIT, represented by Adam Jeżak, M.Sc. The participants learned how to use aluminium foil to improve wireless Internet at home, and whether it is possible to apply the principle of operation of an antenna to satellite communication in order to improve the range.

dfn_2024-63.jpgThe students listened to a theoretical lecture by Dr. Robert Borowiec, who discussed the definition of the antenna, its types and principles of operation. They also learned what the electromagnetic spectrum is, and also how to generate a radio wave.

dfn_2024-49.jpgThen they were ready to apply their new knowledge in practice. They moved from the Technopolis building to the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory and the Antenna Technology Laboratory, where they started cutting out a reflector antenna, and then in the laboratory chambers they measured how it affects the Wi-Fi signal.


The workshops were run by Adam Jeżak, M.Sc., Dr. Robert Borowiec, Piotr Jopek, M.Sc., Damian Kaliszuk, M.Sc., Maciej Macko, M.Sc., Michał Stojke, M.Sc., Marek Michalak, M.Sc., and Radosław Sławecki, M.Sc.





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