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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Internships and work

Are you student/graduate? Are you looking for career options, internships, traineeship? Are you representing an employer and your company wants to gather student or graduate of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology?

We want to share with you a portal, created to post job opportunities, traineeships, internships and information about current events, competitions,  recruitment meetings and trainings. Enjoy!


Career Services at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 40
50-370 Wrocław
Building H-14

Dates during the documents have to be submitted: 20.05.2024 - 30.09.2024 (in the Dean's office - station no. 7) (Only original document (physical) or the one containing digital, valid qualified electronic signature. Copies and scans will not be accepted.)

General information 

  1. Students shall carry out internships individually.
  2. An internship shall be carried out during the summer break. In the case when an internship is carried out during the semester, the student shall submit a statement that the internship will not collide with his/her organised classes.
  3. The minimum duration of an internship is defined in the study plan.
  4. The Faculty shall not cover any expenses related to the carrying out of an internship by the student. The student shall have his/her own insurance against personal injury for the duration of the internship.
  5. The internship shall not be carried out in any unit of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, with an exception defined in Path 3.
  6. The student shall submit all the required documents in the Dean's Office. The documents shall be further passed to the internship supervisor for a particular field/specialization.
  7. The internship shall be valid on condition that the character of works performed during the internship corresponds to the study program and that the internship is carried out for a proper duration of time.
  8. The credit and the grade for the internship shall be awarded by the internship supervisor.
  9. The internship supervisor may require the student to produce additional documents or provide additional explanations.
  10. In his/her decision, the internship supervisor shall consider whether the student submitted the documents within the required deadlines.
  11. The internship supervisor shall award the credit for the internship by providing a grade into the grading system together with additional information on the address of the internship and shall further pass the documents to the Dean's Office to be included in the student's file.
  12. In the case of any doubt regarding the compatibility of the internship with the requirements, the student shall contact the relevant internship supervisor prior to beginning the internship.
  13. Electronically signed documents shall be accepted.

The student can choose from 4 paths for completing his/her internship:

Path 1 when the company requires an agreement with the University prior to starting the internship

Path 2 when the company does not require an agreement with the University

Path 3 internship completed on the basis of the student's actual employment

Path 4 internship completed on the basis of the student's own business activity


Path 1

The following documents are required prior to starting the internship:

  • agreement on the organization of student internship (in accordance with ZW 96/2020) in two identical copies
  • framework internship plan agreed with the company organizing the internship
  • copy of a document confirming insurance against personal injury issued to the student's name for the duration of the internship (original kept available for verification)

The following documents are required after completing the internship:

The deadline for submitting the documents prior to starting the internship: 30 June
The deadline for submitting the documents after completing the internship:
30 September of the year in which the internship was carried out.


  • The student may start the internship after his/her framework internship plan is approved by the internship supervisor.
  • Any internship agreement drawn up on a template other than that provided in attachment 1 to ZW 96/2020 shall follow the procedure of document flow binding at the University.


Path 2

The following documents are required after completing the internship:

The deadline for submitting the documents after completing the internship:
30 September of the year in which the internship was carried out.


Path 3

The following documents are required after completing the internship:

  • application for crediting the internship together with the opinion from the company and with the scope of duties during the internship
  • At the request of the internship supervisor, the student is obliged to present an employment certificate or a copy of the employment contract together with the original for verification purposes.

The deadline for submitting the documents after completing the internship:
30 September of the year in which the internship was carried out.


Path 4

The deadline for submitting the documents after completing the internship:
30 September of the year in which the internship was carried out.

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