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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

OHS training

OHS training 14.03.24 - 17.04.24

Newly admitted students have been enrolled automatically into the OHS training. The "USOS students" who did not complete the OHS training in the previous semester were enrolled in its current edition.

If, for various reasons, the student does not have access to the training, he/she should send an e-mail containing a description of the problem and the relevant screenshots to

An appropriate entry in the course protocol is made by an employee of the Health and Safety Department after the end of a given training edition.

Certificates confirming the completion of the OHS training

Immediately after completing the training, the student should generate a certificate in the form of a pdf file, which can be used for course recognition and complaint purposes.

The certificate of completing the OHS training in the e-learning mode remains valid for 5 years. During this period, the student does not have to repeat this training, even if he/she changes the faculty, field of study, or study system, or resumes studies after a break.

Recognition of OHS training based on a valid certificate

Students who already have a valid certificate, e.g. who completed their training in previous semesters, but no more than 5 years have passed since the completion of the training and who started studies in the USOS system, can use the following special e-mail addresses: / to send a request for the recognition of the OHS training completed to date, attaching information about the department, album number and a valid certificate in the form of a pdf file.

Note! In the certificate recognition procedure students shall not submit the certificates obtained during the current edition of the OHS training.

Students who have completed the OHS training as part of the first-cycle studies and continue their education in the second-cycle studies will be recognized by the OHS Department as having completed the training without the need for additional notifications.

Current information on the OHS trainings is available for Polish- and English-language students on the following websites (respectively): and

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