How to find if the subject is available in the semester in USOS
How to find schedule for a given field and stage of study in USOS
problems with registration for language courses - problems with registration for sport courses - concerns only courses offered by the faculty! In the subject of the email always specify FIELD OF STUDY, NUMBER OF THE SEMESTER, LEVEL OF STUDY. In the body of the email always specify CODE OF THE COURSE, NAME OF THE COURSE, NO OF GROUP(S) |
Enrollments’ schedule:
- 14–24.02.2025 – faculty’s enrollments for the students (excluding newly admitted ones)
- 25.02.2025 – faculty’s enrollments for the newly admitted students
- 26–27.02.2025 – general university’s enrollments - (eg. sport courses, foreign language)
- 28.02 - 07.03.2025 - amendments period
Rules for subject registration at the faculty:
- Access to the registration round will be granted to the student 10 minutes before the start of the round to which the student is assigned (the student will see "access to registration" only 10 minutes before the start of a given round)
- Student gets access to the registration for the courses from N+1 stage of study, where N is the current student's stage of study. Exception to that rule are students who start their studies and are on a Dean's leave.
- Lack of registration to all forms of the subject will result in de-registration from the whole subject - in the next closing study stage this subject will generate deficit of ECTS points.
- Realization of the replacement courses and in-advance ones for which it is not possible to register during your enrollment round will be possible (during amendments period only within the scope of available places) only with the consent of the Vice-Dean.
The obtained consent should be attached to an e-mail requesting an administrative registration to the course sent to (We would like to remind you about the need to complete overdue/failed courses first!). Mail has to includie: COURSE_CODE, NAME, ECTS POINTS, SEMESTER FROM THE PLAN OF STUDY! - Registration for retake courses will be possible during amendments period after university-wide registration.
- The registrations include „groups with comments” – these are gourps that are assigned to a given specialty – when selecting a group, the student should choose a group consistent with his/her specialty.
Problems with enrollments
- If you’d encounter any problems with enrollments, send email to, in the subject of the mail specify given data: system, field of study (abbreviation), type of a problem [eg. USOS – ITE – lack of place in a given group). In the body of the email precisely describe your problem, including details regarding field of study, speciality, year etc.
- Mails has to be sent from your student’s email address; if you’ll send it from other accounts (without domain - these won’t be examined. Sending problem to other address than prolongs the time needed to proceed your case.
Adress is only for matters related to faculty course enrollment please do not write for other matters.
Remarks - Course „Diploma thesis” – students are enrolled administratively basing on the submitted declaration of the diploma thesis
- Course „Team Project” – students are enrolled administratively basing on the submitted declarations.
- Student should verify whether s/he has been assigned to the correct course code that is required by study program
Enrollments’ priority
The following rules regarding the priority in enrollments for the summer semester 2024/2025 has been established for the students of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology:
- Group 1: students with the special needs (including adjudicated disability) – priority based on the list submitted by the Department of Accessibility and Support for People with Disabilities,
- Group 2: students listed by the Student Council – reasoned requests shall be addressed only through fulfilling form (deadline: 29.01.2025 till 08:00 PM). In order to get access to the above mentioned form, student needs to log in via student’s mail address ( In case of any questions please contact Faculty’s Student Council –
List submitted by the Student Council has to be approved by the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, - Group 3: all students who do not qualify to the above mentioned groups; order will be established basing on the weighted average grade obtained in the summer semester 2023/24 or admission index (applies to students who started study from 01.10.2024 or 01.03.2025).
Detailed schedule of round dedicated for field of studies
17.02.2025 | tury | ||||
stop | kier | sem | 10:15 - 11:50 | 12:15 - 13:50 | 14:15 - 15:50 |
SI | CBE | 2 | 417+ | 391+ | 0+ |
SI | IST | 2 | 510+ | 476+ | 0+ |
SI | INS | 2 | 355+ | 0+ | - |
SI | ISTAN | 2 | 0+ | - | - |
SI | INA | 2 | - | 448+ | 0+ |
SI | ITE | 2 | 391+ | 347+ | 0+ |
SI | ISA | 2 | 402+ | 338+ | 0+ |
SI | TEL | 2 | 372+ | 295+ | 0+ |
SI | TIN | 2 | 363+ | 285+ | 0+ |
18.02.2025 | tury | ||||
stop | kier | sem | 10:15 - 11:50 | 12:15 - 13:50 | 14:15 - 15:50 |
SI | CBE | 4 | 4,65+ | 4,40+ | 0+ |
SI | ISA | 4 | 4,06+ | 3,76+ | 0+ |
SI | ISA | 6 | IKA, IPS, IZI, IZT | - | - |
SI | TEL | 6 | - | TSI | TEM |
SI | TIN | 4 | 3,93+ | 0+ | - |
SI | TIN | 6 | TIU | - | TIP |
19.02.2025 | tury | ||||
stop | kier | sem | 10:15 - 11:50 | 12:15 - 13:50 | 14:15 - 15:50 |
SI | INA | 4 | - | 4,40+ | 0+ |
SI | INA | 6 | - | 4,00+ | 0+ |
SI | IST | 4 | 4,46+ | 0+ | - |
SI | INS | 4 | ID, RSU | - | - |
SI | INS | 6 | - | - | 0+ |
SI | ISTAN | 4 | 0+ | - | - |
SI | ISTAN | 6 | - | - | 0+ |
SI | TEL | 4 | 3,98+ | 0+ | - |
20.02.2025 | tury | ||||
stop | kier | sem | 10:15 - 11:50 | 12:15 - 13:50 | 14:15 - 15:50 |
SI | CBE | 6 | CBD, CBS, CEN | - | - |
SI | ITE | 4 | 4,20+ | 0+ | - |
SI | ITE | 6 | - | - | IGM, IMT, INS, ISK |
21.02.2025 | tury | ||||
stop | kier | sem | 10:15 - 11:50 | 12:15 - 13:50 | 14:15 - 15:50 |
SI | IST | 6 | 4,85+ | 4,35+ | 0+ |
SM | IST | 3 | ZTI | IOP | PSI |
SM | INS | 3 | - | - | 0+ |
SM | SZT | 3 | 4,55+ | 0+ | - |
SM | INA | 3 | - | 0+ | - |
SM | ISTAN | 4 | 0+ | - | - |
24.02.2025 | tury | ||||
stop | kier | sem | 10:15 - 11:50 | 12:15 - 13:50 | 14:15 - 15:50 |
SM | CBE | 3 | 4,40+ | 0+ | - |
SM | ISA | 3 | IPS, IKA, IZT | - | - |
SM | ITE | 3 | ISK | IGM, INS, IMT | - |
SM | ITEAN | 3 | 0+ | - | - |
SM | TAI | 3 | 0+ | - | - |
SM | TEL | 3 | - | 0+ | - |
SM | TIN | 3 | - | 0+ | - |
25.02.2025 | tury | ||||
stop | kier | sem | 10:15 - 11:50 | 12:15 - 13:50 | 14:15 - 15:50 |
SM | CBE | 1 | 60,35+ | - | 0+ |
SM | ISA | 1 | 54,37+ | 0+ | - |
SM | INA | 1 | - | - | 0+ |
SM | ITE | 1 | 54,4+ | 49,34+ | 0+ |
SM | ITEAN | 1 | - | 0+ | - |
SM | TAI | 1 | 0+ | - | - |
SM | TEL | 1 | - | 54,87+ | 0+ |
SM | TIN | 1 | 54,76+ | - | 0+ |
SM | IST | 1 | IOP | PSI | ZTI |
SM | ISTAN | 1 | 0+ | - | - |
SM | INS | 1 | - | 0+ | - |
SM | SZT | 1 | - | 69,73+ | 0+ |