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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Systems Engineering

Description of the field of study

Students acquire the required general and specialist knowledge and skills which allow them to solve complex analytical and design problems, primarily regarding systems compatible with the completed field of 1st cycle studies. Students learn about advanced system modelling methods and formal basis for decision making. They become familiar with the basics of macroeconomic modelling and managing teams of workers, which will later make it easier for them to function in the economic environment.

Almost half of all the classes in the study program is focused on the subjects related to writing the master's thesis. Elective subjects (which allow students to adjust the teaching program to their individual areas of interest) include for example: Advanced Internet Application Techniques in Companies,  User Profiling Methods,  Cybersecurity in System Engineering,  Smart Grids. 

The graduate can

lead teams and project teams in companies,  perform scientific and research works in scientific institutions,  work in research and development centres, in various research disciplines and industry areas.  The graduate also has developed a habit for life-long learning and is prepared for 3rd cycle (doctoral) studies.

Enrolment conditions

Required degree: Engineer or Engineer MSc, Bachelor of Architectural Engineering or MSc in Architectural Engineering

Allowed fields of completed studies: no restrictions

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