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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Diploma and supplement collection


Starting from the summer semester 2020/2021 graduates collect their diploma in the Diploma Personalization Office, room 137 building A1, after making appointment in the queue system.

Before collecting the diploma/suplement student is obliged to show a document proving identity.

All information regarding collection of diploma is available on the following websites:


Guidelines for awarding diploma's supplements to graduates of Faculty of Information and Communication Technology:

1. Before graduation, a student shall apply for the issuance of so-called "complete diploma" in the system.
The University prepares a diploma of completion of studies together with a diploma supplement within 30 days of graduation (art. 77 sec. 2 PSWiN).
2. After the supplements are prepared, the graduate receives information via e-mail ("") about possibility of its collection during opening hours of the Dean's office.
3. The supplement is collected individually, in the Dean's office - building C- 1, room 102a.
4. The graduate confirms the receipt of the supplement and its copies on the personalized supplement receipt form.
5. It is possible to hand in the supplement to a person who has a special power of attorney signed by a graduate of the University. Specimen available below.


If you wish to receive duplicates of previously issued documents (diploma/supplement) or receive additional copies, you must pay a fee to the WUST account (account number 37 1090 2402 0000 0006 1000 0434) in the transfer title, provide the following data:
Surname, Name, W4N and what the payment concerns (eg. copy of diploma/supplement etc.)

Power of attorney to collect the diploma supplement:

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