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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Prof. Czesław Smutnicki awarded Professor Magnus Title

Date: 03.07.2024 Category: General

czeslaw_smutnicki.jpgProf. Czesław Smutnicki from our Faculty is among six outstanding researchers of our University awarded the title Professor Magnus by the rector, Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs. This is an expression of appreciation for their contributions to science and our university. 

For the next three years, the title of Professor Magnus will be used by: prof. Czesław Smutnicki (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology), Prof. Grażyna Gryglewicz (Faculty of Chemistry), Prof. Jan Biliszczuk (Faculty of Civil Engineering), Prof. Edward Chlebus (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Prof. Janusz Mroczka (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems) and Prof. Andrzej Ożyhar  (Faculty of Chemistry).

The status of Professor Magnus is granted in a competition mode, conducted in the summer semester and granted for a period of three years by the rector, only at the request of the College of Chairmen of Scientific Discipline Councils, after consulting the Senate. Everyone who receives this title has the right to use it inside and outside the university.

The title holders are also allowed to be employed in the position of a professor with an unchanged working time and under the existing conditions after retirement. They may also be heads of departments at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (during the employment period).

Currently, this unique status is given to 18 professors from Wrocław University of Science and Technology. In addition to the six mentioned above, these are:


Profiles of scientists who received the status of Professor Magnus at Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 2024

Prof. Czesław Smutnicki (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology)

Czesław SmutnickiHe graduated from the former Faculty of Electronics at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (1978). He is currently employed at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology. He obtained his doctoral degree in 1981, his habilitated degree from the Faculty of Electronics at Warsaw University of Technology in 1998, and the title of professor in 2005.
He served as the chairman of the Information and Communication Technology Discipline Council (2020-2022), dean of the Faculty of Electronics in 2016-2020 and in 2020-2021 (in 2021, the Faculty of Electronics was transformed into the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology), and deputy dean in 2002-2005. He was a senator for two terms (2016-2020, 2020-2024) and a member of the Chapter of Honorary Dignities at Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 2022-2024.
He was also the director of the Institute of Computer Science and Automation (2006-2008, 2008-2012, 2012-2013) and head of the Department of Technical Computer Science (2014-2016, 2016-2020, 2020-2022).
His scientific interests include algorithms, task scheduling, discrete optimization, discrete manufacturing systems, practical problems of transport, storage, arrangement, cutting, packaging, etc.
His research is related mainly to the problems of optimization and control of Discrete Manufacturing Processes (DMP). This field has been investigated for years in numerous research centres (universities and company laboratories) around the world, due to its numerous practical applications, significant financial profits, and the interdisciplinary nature of research into such solutions. These issues are nonlinear combinatorial programming problems of considerable difficulty (the so-called NP-hardness).
The numerical problems related to solving them are widely known, and include: the computation time exponentially increasing with the size of the problem, the curse of dimensionality (in practice, up to 2,000 components) and the significant cost of computer calculations. Hence, one of the most important issues is the construction of algorithms that provide "satisfactorily good" solutions in a "reasonable" time or at an acceptable computational cost. Such algorithms are designed using specific theoretical properties of the formulated problems, and then tested both theoretically and experimentally in order to prepare their full and comprehensive numerical characterization, aiming to select the most promising approaches and methods.
The investigated research directions take into account the latest trends in discrete optimization, leading to the development of algorithms acceptable to practitioners. The algorithms are implemented in real production systems, where their usefulness is verified. Prof. Smutnicki's original approach is advanced TS (tabu search), which provides many highly useful algorithms published in the literature. The latest directions in his research focus on the extension of the approach to warehouse systems, transport systems, delivery logistics, etc.
His scientific activity has resulted in 267 works, including 180 authored and co-authored publications in peer-reviewed journals, which include: 56 articles in foreign journals, 85 papers in reviewed post-conference materials, chapters in books and monographs, 1 own monograph, 3 books plus edited monographs.
The SCIE database recognises 1,795 of his citations in foreign literature (4,549 citations are recorded in the database). His works are also often cited in foreign monographs in the field of modern optimization. Special "cards" were devoted to his works published in foreign books: Laguna M., Marti R., "Scatter Search", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 and Glover F., Laguna M., "Tabu Search", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Massachusetts USA, 1997.
His 1996 Management Science received the Highest Quality Rating from Anbar Electronic Intelligence for being the most cited publication.
Prof. Czesław Smutnicki's position is reflected in invitations to prepare chapters in foreign editions of books, including: (1) Meta-Heuristic: Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, (2) Metaheuristic Optimization via Memory and Evolution: Taboo Search and Scatter Search, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.
He also receives requests to review papers for international and national journals and conferences, including: Journal of Operational Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Heuristics, International Journal of Production Economics, Operations Research Letters, Journal of Decision Systems, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Computers and Operations Research, Discrete Applied Mathematics, System Science, Archiwum Automatyki i Telemechaniki, Archive of Control, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences (over 200 opinions in total).
He has been frequently invited to chair sessions in foreign conferences, including: Symposium of Operations Research, Braunschweig, Germany, Methodology and Software in Decision Support Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, International Conference of Intelligent Systems.
He is a member of scientific committees of several significant foreign and domestic conferences. He is a member of the POLSPAR organisation (member of the management board), a member of KAiR PAN (2015-2020, 2020-2024, 2024-2028), and a representative of Poland in two IFAC working committees. He was a member of the advisory team at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the field of IT Infrastructure for Science, an opinion author in the M. Born competitions and in the PTI competition for the best diploma thesis, grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education; NCBiR programs. He also gave opinions on works submitted to foreign and domestic conferences. He is a reviewer of doctoral and habilitation theses and professorial applications, a long-time author of competition tasks and a judge of the Lower Silesian Team Programming Competition.
He actively formulated the concept of operations and took part in the competition for the WUST Technopolis building (C-16). He was the senior consultant of the building construction project (2012-2014). In 2011-2012, he represented Wrocław University of Science and Technology in developing and submitting the KIC (Knowledge and Information Community) project in the ICT area in the competition announced by EIT EU: (Budapest). He co-developed the concept of operations for the Bibliotech C-21 research laboratory (2015).
He participated in the implementation of Ministry Programs (1982-85, 1986-90). He was the main contractor in KBN grants (1991-92, 1994-95, 1997-99, 2002-2005) regarding discrete manufacturing systems. He participated in the implementation of the international research contract IIASA-PAN (1991-92). He managed the implementation of the KBN grant in the field of manufacturing systems and new methods of modelling and solving them (1997). He coordinated (within the Faculty of Electronics) the PWr+UWr+Letia grant regarding a forensic scanner. He participated in the implementation of a project in the field of reliability of IT systems (2011-2013), as well as two OPUS NCN grants (2013-2015, 2018-2020) in the field of cyclical systems. The results of his research are presented in three books.
He led a project for Nokia in the field of managing base station configurations (2019). He was a consultant in projects carried out for JT Weston, Toyota, Sitech.
His teaching activity includes serving as a supervisor of the ARS specialty, chairman of the teaching committee for the ARS specialty and ASU.
He chairs the INE specialty diploma examination committee. He conducted classes on, among others, the theory of algorithms, computer networks, discrete process control, optimization, basics of optimization, optimization algorithms, advanced optimization algorithms, and discrete programming.
He organised and taught at second-cycle English-language studies. He also conducted student workshops (in the form of a student research club) in the field of programming and data structures. He supported student internships organized by IBM for the Faculty of Electronics (these internships received an EU distinction for their form of cooperation).
He holds numerous awards. He received, among others: the KEN medal, the Docendo Discimus special award of the Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, the W Suski Scientific Award, and the Silver Cross of Merit.

prof. Jan Biliszczuk ((Faculty of Civil Engineering)

Jan BiliszczukHe has worked at Wrocław University of Science and Technology for 52 years. He graduated in 1972 from the Faculty of Civil Engineering. He received his doctoral degree in 1978, and the habilitated doctor degree in 1987. He received the title of professor in 1997.
Between 1996 and 2014 he was the head of the Bridge Department at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, WUST; in the period of 1996-2002 he was the deputy director of the Institute of Civil Engineering, and in the years 2005-2008 he was its director. He has been the chairman of the diploma committees at the faculty for 35 years.
In the years 1984-1998 he was a member of the Standardization Problem Committee No. 25 for Bridge Facilities; in 2002-2004 he was a member of the Infrastructure Development Council appointed to the Deputy Prime Minister. In the years 2002-2005 he served as the National Commissioner for Professional Responsibility in the Polish Chamber of Construction Engineers. Since 1984, he has been a member of, and in 2012-2015 he was the Chairman of the Concrete Structures Section of the Civil Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the years 2011-2020 he was a member of the PAN Civil Engineering Committee.
He supervised over 150 master's and engineering theses. One of his graduates received the European diploma award, and five others received the award of the Ministry of Infrastructure.
He was the supervisor in ten completed doctoral dissertations including five with awards or distinctions, and the supervisor in an onorary doctorate procedure.
He organized six international and 22 national scientific conferences at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. He is an organizer and chairman of the Program and Organizational Committee of Wrocław Bridge Days – a series of scientific and technical seminars being the most important bridge event in the country. He has been a member of 17 Scientific Committees at international conferences. He is a permanent member of the Scientific Committee of the Footbridge and CCC (Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering) conferences. He is also a member of the national engineering organizations PZiTB, ZMRP and SITK, as well as two international scientific and technical organizations: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering since 1995 and fib International Federation for Structural Concrete since 1999.
He has authored or co-authored over 300 publications in the field of bridge engineering (over 50 in English), including monographs and textbooks: Rheological Redistribution of the Stress State in Heterogeneous, Isostatic Concrete Structures (1982), Concrete – Material for Bridge Construction (1986), Glulam Bridges (1987), Design of Steel Footbridges (2004), Cable-Stay Bridges (2005), Handbook of International Bridge Engineering (2014), Concrete Bridges Constructed Using the Section-by-Section Method (2014), Arch Bridges in Poland: History, Now, Future (2015), Ribbon Bridges (2016), Bridges in the History of Poland (2017), Multi-Span Compressed Concrete Box Bridges (2023), About the Rudzki Factory in Mińsk Mazowiecki and its Bridges (2023). Some of his English-language works have been translated and published in Japan and Russia.
Originator, chairman of the Program Council and editor of the Wrocław Publishing Series of Bridge Engineering, which published 13 volumes presenting modern construction solutions in bridge engineering.
Co-owner of the design office Zespół Badawczo-Projektowy MOSTY-WROCŁAW, which has been on the market since 1994. Designer of over 50 bridge structures, including innovative facilities on a global scale, such as the Glulam pedestrian footbridge over the Dunajec River in Sromowce Niżne (2006) – a facility with the longest span in its class in the world and the originally shaped Rędziński Bridge in Wrocław (2011) nominated for the fib2014 award.
Since 1986, he has had unrestricted Polish qualifications to design bridges, and since 2002 he has been an official construction expert specializing in construction and engineering.
The Bridge Department, under his leadership, provided scientific advice in the design and construction of the largest bridges in Poland, including: the bridge for the A4 motorway over the Odra river in Rogów Opolski (1992–1994), the bridge for the A1 motorway over the Wisła river in Toruń (1992– 1998), as well as on the design of the Siekierkowski Bridge in Warsaw (1997–2002), the design and construction of the bridge for the Opole Northern Bypass (1998–2000), the Third Millennium John Paul II Bridge in Gdańsk (1999–2001), the Solidarity Bridge in Płock (2003–2005), the John Paul II Bridge in Puławy (2006–2008) and others. He also cooperated in the construction of a bridge over the Vltava River along the D8 motorway in the Czech Republic, and was asked to consult on bridge projects in Turkey, India and the Philippines.
For his achievements in teaching, research and engineering, he received many distinctions and awards, including: Medal of Wrocław University of Science and Technology (2018), over thirty awards of the Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the Docendo Discimus award (2008), the Wrocław University of Science and Technology's Lion award (2011), as well as the Wrocław Award (2011), the Lower Silesian Key to Success (2011), the award of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (1983) and five awards of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction.
He received the Zbigniew Wasiutyński award from the 4th Division of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1983) and the Stefan Bryła award from PZiTB (1996).
He was awarded the Gold Cross of Merit (1997), the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (2002), the Medal of the National Education Commission (2004), the ZMRP Medal (2005), the Medal of the President of Bydgoszcz (2010), and the Badge of Honour of Wrocław (2018).
He is a propagator of Polish engineering concepts on the national and global forum. He appeared in three documentaries promoting Polish engineering and gave dozens of interviews for the press, radio and television. His activity in this area is summarized in his book "Bridges in the History of Poland", which will be translated into English and published later this year.

prof. Edward Chlebus (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)

Edward ChlebusProf. Edward Chlebus graduated in 1971 from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. He received his doctoral degree in 1978 and the habilitated doctor degree in 1993. He was nominated Professor in 2001. In 2020, he was awarded the title of Professor Magnus at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
His interests evolved along with his qualifications, scientific experience and changing industry needs. He completed research internships at universities in Stuttgart, Antwerp, London, Leuven and Gothenburg.
Prof. Edward Chlebus developed new research directions leading to the development of innovative technologies and methods of modelling, design and simulation of both manufacturing and production systems. The main areas of his research included: computer-aided design (CAD) / production engineering, design methodology, laser technologies, additive manufacturing, reverse engineering, PDM / PLM systems, modelling and simulation / production process optimization / production automation and robotics.
His scientific achievements include a total of 655 works, including 356 scientific publications in indexed databases (LF 76, JCR 35, MNiSzW 97). His Hirsch Index = 13, total Impact Factor = 73,002, and number of citations 1,625.
He is an author of 15 patents. He implemented 12 European projects in FP6/FP7, Leonardo da Vinci, FoF, ManuFuture, M-ERA-Net, Cornet, and many projects under Euro-Interreg, as well as three projects under H2020, and he supervised many national projects and industrial implementations. He managed several dozen research and development projects for the industry.
He has supervised 42 doctoral theses (two further works in final editing, including one abroad), and he prepared several dozen reviews: 29 in doctoral proceedings (including four abroad), 23 in habilitation proceedings, 12 proceedings for the title of professor (one for the University of Nottingham), 9 for the position of professor, including 4 in Germany and 3 for the dignity of honorary doctor; he has also supplied opinions on granting the right to confer a doctoral degree and opening new fields of study. He cooperates with over 60 foreign centres.
He has written five books and textbooks, and taught the latest subject blocks in the area of CAD/CAM, technological design and planning, and production management. For each of the blocks, he organized new laboratories and facilities that fully met the needs of the industry.
As the director of the Institute of Machine and Automation Technology (1993-1999 and 2005-2008), he developed new infrastructure of the Institute: several new research and technological laboratories, including the most famous CAMT (Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies).
Research teams at CAMT deal with solving problems related to construction, technological design, planning, production organization, implementation and optimization of production processes in dozens of Polish and foreign companies in the automotive, aviation, electrical engineering and machinery industries, within the areas of design and development of technologies, in the field of laser processing, additive manufacturing, vision systems, robotics, production automation, etc.
CAMT received the status of "Centre of Excellence" from the European Commission (2000) and the National Committee for Scientific Research (2004), and since 2017 it has had the status of the European Technology Centre KET and DIH - Digital Innovation Hub (2018).
The results of his research and implementation works have been used in dozens of enterprises in many industries: aviation, automotive, transport, household appliances, medical engineering, including: VW, Sitech, Whirlpool, Pratt&Whitney, BOSCH, Lockheed Martin, Collins, Bombardier, Stryker, KGHM, ZANAM, Ecoren and others. Most of these work has been carried out in the form of joint R&D projects.
Prof. Edward Chlebus is the originator of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft research center – known as the CAMT Fraunhofer Project Center at WUST. The main goals of the unit include improving CAMT research competences and developing channels for the development of laser technologies based on hybrid technologies, materials research, surface engineering and additive manufacturing.
He is the founder and coordinator of the Polish Manufacturing Technology Platform Manufuture and the Polish Manufacturing Process Excellence Network. He is the initiator, founder and first president of the management board of the Lower Silesian Park of Innovation and Science, whose goal is the commercialization of scientific research, development and implementation of innovative solutions and technologies in companies from Lower Silesia and the surrounding region.
Over the last four years, applications submitted by CAMT/FPC have brought WUST projects worth PLN 21.7 million under the DIH and EDIH programs and PLN 66.7 million under the Wroclaw Digital Factory investment from the RPO program.
In the years 2008-2016 he served as dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He was a member of the WUST senate for fourteen years and headed the Senate Investment Committee for 8 years. He organised the first research centre in Central and Eastern Europe established in cooperation with Fraunhofer Gesellschaft – Fraunhofer Project Centre, located at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (2008).
His organizational, research and teaching activity and achievements have been awarded numerous gold medals at international fairs as well as in exhibitions in Poland and abroad; he also received numerous awards: three times from the Prime Minister for the implementation of new technologies, three times from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, regional awards from the mayor of Wrocław (2016), awards from the rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, from the dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the director of the Institute of Machine Technology and Automation at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and in 2019 the Award of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for overall scientific, teaching and organizational work.
He is a member of many prestigious scientific organizations. Since 2004, he has been a member of the Implementation Support Group and High Level Group of European Technology Platform (ETP) ManuFuture, and since 2010 of EFFRA (Factories of the Future), an expert agency at EC. Since 2015, he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Materials and Beam Technologies Fraunhofer Geselschaft IWS in Dresden. Member of the Mechanical Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 2012, member of the Council of the Future Industry Platform Foundation at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Development since 2021.
In 2009-2014, he was a member of the Supervisory Board of KGHM Ecoren (Lubin) (2009-2014), and in 2008-2012, a member of the Supervisory Board of KGHM – WMN SA (Gliwice).
He served on scientific committees of many national and international conferences.

prof. Grażyna Gryglewicz (Faculty of Chemistry)

Grażyna GryglewiczProf. Grażyna Gryglewicz began her scientific activity at Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 1979, graduating from the Faculty of Chemistry, majoring in chemical technology. She completed her doctoral studies in 1983 and was then employed at the Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, at the Institute of Petroleum and Coal Chemistry and Technology. She obtained her habilitated doctor's degree in technical sciences in the discipline of chemical technology in 1998, and 10 years later she obtained the title of professor in the same field and discipline, specializing in chemistry and technology of coal and carbon materials.
In 1988, she completed a several-month research internship at the Northern Carbon Research Laboratories of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in Great Britain, and in 1995, a six-month internship at the Limburg Universitair Centrum in Diepenbeek (now Hasselt University) in Belgium.
Since 2021 she has been head of the Department of Process Engineering and Technology of Polymer and Carbon Materials. She also serves as the chairwoman of the Scientific Discipline of Chemical Engineering, which received category A+ in the evaluation of disciplines for the period 2017-2021. She represents the chairpersons of the university's scientific disciplines in the Chapter of Honorary Dignities.
The research activities of Prof. Grażyna Gryglewiczwo have evolved in two directions.
The first one concerns the design and production of porous carbon materials, mainly activated carbons, with a defined porous structure and chemical nature of the surface, and their use as adsorbents for removing pollutants from water and storing hydrogen, as well as carriers of metal catalysts in hydrogen processes and electrode materials for electrochemical energy storage in supercapacitors.
The second area of interest includes the synthesis of nanostructured carbon and graphene materials, including: carbon nanofibers and nanotubes, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide, including those doped with nitrogen and sulphur, as well as the synthesis of composites of these nanostructures with metals, metal oxides and conductive polymers and their use, mainly as electrode materials in supercapacitors, batteries and electrochemical sensors.
Prof. Grażyna Gryglewicz is the author of a total of 270 scientific works, including 105 publications from the JCR list, and her index is H-35. The great impact of her scientific works is evidenced by the large number of over 4,600 citations (according to WoS), indicating that on average each article was cited nearly 43 times. She is a very well-recognized scientist internationally, as evidenced by her continued high position on the TOP 2% ranking list, where in the last edition she was classified in the 5th place among researchers from Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
She was a supervisor in 12 and a reviewer in 19 doctoral proceedings, as well as a reviewer of 15 habilitation theses and 4 applications for the title of professor. In the period 2007-2015, she was appointed six times as a member of international doctoral committees at Hasselt University in Belgium, with which she has been working closely for nearly 30 years. She actively cooperates or has cooperated with other foreign research centres (in Spain, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Japan, Germany, Norway, Romania, Bulgaria, Cuba) as part of ongoing bilateral agreements, exchange of PhD students and European research projects.
She was the manager of several national (KBN, MEiN, MNiSW) and international research projects. The following are of particular importance:
- the role as Polish leader in two European research projects COALPHENES (Coal liquid-based high crystalline carbons for the synthesis of graphene-based composites, 2013-2016) and SUPERCOAL (Coal liquid-based upgraded carbon materials for energy storage, 2015-2018) coordinated by the Instituto Nacional del Carbon INCAR in Oviedo (Spain) and financed by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel,
- managing the project titled Investigation of the effect of carbon surface functional groups on electrochemical behaviour of lead-carbon electrodes, implemented in cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Würzburg, and financed by the international Consortium for Battery Innovation (2020-2022),
- the role as Polish leader in the currently implemented European research project ZABAT (Next generation rechargeable and sustainable zinc-air batteries, M-ERA.NET, 2023-2025), coordinated by the LEITAT research centre (Spain) and implemented in cooperation with SINTEF (Norway) and two Fraunhofer institutes in Würzburg (ISC) and Bremen (IFAM).
Prof. Grażyna Gryglewicz has actively represented Wrocław University of Science and Technology as a member of scientific committees in cyclical international and national conferences. In the years 1993-2009, as a member, she actively participated in the work of the PKN Standardization Problem Committee for Natural Solid Fuels. Since 2013, she has been a member of the management board of the Polish Coal Society. For two terms (2012-2014, 2015-2017) she was a member of the NCN Expert Corps in the STP 5 panel. In 2019, she was appointed to the Scientific Council of the Centre for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze (2019-2022, 2023-2026).
She received the award of the rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology 15 times for achievements in teaching, organizational and scientific work. In 2021, she was awarded the Medal of the National Education Commission.

prof. Janusz Mroczka (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems)

Janusz MroczkaProf. Janusz Mroczka has been working at Wrocław University of Science and Technology for 48 years. He graduated from our university in 1976. In 1980, he defended his doctoral thesis, and in 1991 he obtained the habilitation degree. He obtained the academic title of professor in 1996.
Prof. Mroczka's scientific interests include: methodology of the cognitive process, algorithmization of the inverse problem, spectral analysis and polarization of scattered radiation in the description of the properties of dispersive systems, methodology of combining measurement data with different spatial resolution using deterministic and stochastic processing methods (data fusion), the use of time-frequency representations of signals in the processing of measurement data and non-invasive analysis of dispersion systems.
An important value of his scientific achievements is their comprehensive character and the fact that they are deeply embedded not only in a broad philosophical but also in a practical context. What's common to all of his scientific activity is its original cognitive scheme. The cognitive process results in mathematical models of measurement objects and measurement tools, and the essence of their use in metrology is their inversion, as the purpose of measurement is to reach the causes based on information about the effects – the estimation of measured quantities based on raw measurement data. Methods for solving inverse problems are an integral element of Prof. Mroczka's works. Due to poor numerical conditions, they are among the most difficult computational tasks, placing exceptionally high demands on researchers dealing with them in terms of mathematical culture, erudition and proficiency.
Scientific achievements of Prof. Janusz Mroczka include 465 publications (155 from the Master Journal List); he is the co-author of 13 books (8 published in Poland and 5 abroad) and 8 patents (including 4 in implementation). The bibliometric data is as follows: Scopus: 2186 citations, h = 31; according to Google Scholar: 2811 citations, h = 32. Prof. Janusz Mroczka implemented 31 grants as a manager or main contractor (including 7 international ones).
In the years 1990-1996, he was elected head of the Institute of Electrical Metrology at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. In 1998, he was the initiator and founder of the first after 1968 department at Wrocław University of Science and Technology – the Department of Electronic and Photonic Metrology. Currently, he is the head of this department.
The organisation and management of the Department is his special achievement, because only in 2013, by following the example of this type of structure, Wrocław University of Science and Technology allowed the existence of departments instead of the previously preferred institutes. It is in this Department that Prof. Janusz Mroczka promoted 26 doctors, eight of whom are already independent scientists employed as professors. It is also important that he was one of the initiators of co-tutelle doctorates in the country, and was the supervisor of as many as four doctorates of this type, all of which were distinguished, and the last of them received the Maria Skłodowska-Curie award for the best doctorate in Europe at that time.
An important teaching and organizational achievement was the establishment of the Electronic Equipment specialisation in the 1980s, which is still very popular among students of the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems. It is in this specialisation that electronics engineers are educated for the industrial base of Lower Silesia, as well as for other regions of Poland.
His spectacular organisational achievement was to participate as vice president in the International Symposium on Optical Applied Science and Engineering – Optical Diagnostics in Fluid and Thermal Flow (San Diego, 1993), which was attended by over a thousand participants from all over the world.
Prof. Mroczka is a promoter of Polish scientific concepts abroad and the founder of the Polish school of electronic and photonic metrology, as evidenced by such a large number of promoted doctors.
In 2005, the Foundation for Polish Science awarded him the prestigious "Master" professorial subsidy.
He has been frequently a reviewer of the achievements of many scientists (3 honorary doctorates, 61 professorship applications, including one abroad – Preston, England, 57 habilitations, 27 doctorates, he chaired 56 habilitations and supervised over 200 diploma students). In the scientific community, he is considered a man gifted with independence of thought and sensitivity to the ethical dimension. His expertise and organizational skills, as well as his management methods have been often awarded.
The awards and distinctions for his scientific and research activities include: 2nd degree Award of the Ministry of National Education (1989), Award of the 4th Faculty of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1993), Professorial Subsidy of the FNP for 2005, Award of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific and Teaching Care in 2014, Award of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2015, the M. Suski Scientific Award, the Professor Opoliensis Award in 2014 and 39 Awards of the Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
He was awarded the Knight's Cross (2003), Officer's Cross (2013) and Commander's Cross (2021) of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Bronze (1989), Silver (1994) and Gold (1998) Cross of Merit, Medal of the Commission of National Education, Silver Medal "For Merits for Defense of the Country” awarded by the Ministry of National Defense (2023), the Golden Badge of Wrocław University of Science and Technology with a Diamond, the Special Award of the Docendo Discimus of the Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology for special achievements in teaching (2023), the Prof. Kazimierz Idaszewski Medal, The Prof. Włodzimierz Krukowski Medal.
For outstanding achievements and contributions to the integration of the national and international scientific community and achievements in the field of electronic and photonic metrology, as well as for his special contribution to the development of the scientific staff of technical universities, he received honorary doctorates from Lublin University of Technology (2014), Opole University of Technology (2017), and Gdańsk University of Technology (2019), as well as from the Jarosław Dąbrowski Military University of Technology in Warsaw (2019) and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków (2020).
In November 2023, Prof. Janusz Mroczka was honoured with the honorary citizenship of Dębica – his hometown.
Since 2020, Prof. Mroczka has been continuously included in the TOP 2% of the prestigious ranking of the most influential people of science in the world. In the academic community he is known for his insightful reviews, friendly consultations and individual advice. In the years 2013-2020 he was a member of the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles. He was also a member of the Interdisciplinary Measurement Section of the KBN (18 competitions, including 6 chairmanships).
He is particularly dedicated to the academic community and works for the community of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Prof. Janusz Mroczka is a Full Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a Member of the Committee of Metrology and Scientific Equipment of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 1993). He was vice-chairman (2001-2007) and chairman (2007-2015) of the Committee of Metrology and Scientific Equipment of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Moreover, according to the assessment performed in 2015, the Committee for Metrology and Scientific Equipment of the Polish Academy of Sciences headed by prof. Janusz Mroczka turned out to be the best committee of the Academy.
In 2009 Prof. Janusz Mroczka managed to make the journal "Metrology and Measurement Systems" listed in the Master Journal List; in 2008 he launched and has been since the editor of the series of books "Problems of electronic and photonic metrology" (10 volumes).
He also chaired the Chapter of the Wrocław Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences "Iuvenes Wratislaviae" (2013-2014) and served as vice-chairman of the Wrocław Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2014-2022).

prof. Andrzej Ożyhar (Faculty of Chemistry)

Andrzej OżyharHe graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry at Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 1978 (specialising in organic physical chemistry). He obtained his doctoral degree in chemical sciences in 1987 and his habilitated degree in biological sciences in the field of biology-biochemistry in 1996 at the University of Wrocław. He received the title of professor in 2006.
In the years 2008-2016 he was the vice-dean for science at the Faculty of Chemistry, in the years 2016-2020 he was the dean, and since 2020 he has been the vice-rector for science at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Since 2019, he has been head of the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
Member of the Senate of Wrocław University of Science and Technology for two terms (2016-2020 and 2020-2024).
Holder of scholarships from the Heinrich Hertz Foundation (1988-1990) and the University of Bochum (1990-1991). He worked at the Department of Biochemistry at the Institute of Chemistry, the University of Bochum and at the Centre for Molecular Neurobiology at the University of Hamburg.
He headed the Biochemistry Teaching Team at the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry (1981-1987), the Scientific and Didactic Department of Biochemistry at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2002-2005), the departmental unit of Biochemistry at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2005-2019). He was deputy director for science at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2002-2005), head of Doctoral School at the Faculty of Chemistry (2005-2008).
His scientific interests include research aimed at understanding the relationship between the structure and function of protein molecules involved in the transmission of biological signals. It uses the methods and conceptual apparatus of biophysics, molecular biology and genetic engineering.
Prof. Andrzej Ożyhar is the author of 130 works, including: 106 articles in international journals indexed in Web of Science (5 in 2020, 9 in 2021, 4 in 2022, 6 in 2023), six review articles in journals indexed in Web of Science, six chapters in English-language books, four articles in Polish-language journals indexed in Web of Science.
His total Impact Factor is 462.9 (according to the DONA database). His publications have been cited 1,505 times in 963 articles (Web of Science), h-index: 23 (Web of Science). He also has one national patent to his name. He is co-author of the work by Ruggeri et al. (2017) Nature Nanotechnology 12, 488-495 (IF: 37.49). 33% of the articles he authored were published in journals indexed in Web of Science and were written with the participation of people from outside Poland.
He managed five KB/NCN grants, acted as a research supervisor in three grants and was a contractor in five grants.
He conducts classes in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetic engineering and genetics for students of the Faculty of Chemistry, and recently also the Faculty of Medicine.
Particularly noteworthy are genetic engineering courses (laboratory exercises and lecture), introduced by Prof. Andrzej Ożyhar to the education program of biotechnology students in 1993. At that time, laboratory classes in genetic engineering were the first classes of this type in Wrocław, conducted regularly for a small group of students.
He organised and headed doctoral studies at the Faculty of Chemistry (2005-2008). At that time, he introduced an annual reporting session for doctoral students (for years, it took place only at the Faculty of Chemistry).
Prof. Andrzej Ożyhar is the supervisor of 24 completed (and two ongoing) doctoral theses.
He was a member of the main Health and Life panel in the Foresight pilot project at the Ministry of Science and Information Technology (2004-2005). He acted as an expert of the University Accreditation Committee for the field of biotechnology (2007-2009). In the years 2008-2016, he represented Wrocław University of Science and Technology on the council and steering committee of the NUTRIBIOMED Cluster at Wrocław Technology Park.
He was a member of the Committee of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the years 2012-2016 he was a member of the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles (Section V – Mathematical, Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences).
He was also winner of many awards and distinctions, including those of the rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the dean of the Faculty of Chemistry. In 2003, he received the Silver Cross of Merit, and in 2009, the Special Award of the Rector of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology – Docendo Discimus.


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