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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Dominik Żelazny, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (N) » Department of Computer Engineering

Dominik Żelaznyul. Z. Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372 Wrocław
building C-3, room 222
phone +48 71 320 2969

Office hours

  • Monday 7.30-8.15
  • Tuesday 13.45-15.00
  • Friday 10.00-11.00

Recent papers


  • Żelazny D., An evolutionary approach to cyclic real world scheduling, Computer information systems and industrial management: 15th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 14-16, 2016: proceedings / Khalid Saeed, Władysław Homenda (eds.). [Cham]: Springer, cop. 2016. s. 366-373.


  • Smutnicki C., Pempera J., Rudy J., Żelazny D., A new approach for multi-criteria scheduling, Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2015, vol. 90, s. 212-220.
  • Rudy J., Żelazny D., GACO: a parallel evolutionary approach to multi-objective scheduling, Evolutionary multi-criterion optimization: 8th International Conference, EMO 2015, Guimaraes, Portugal, March 29-April 1, 2015: proceedings. Pt. 1 / Gaspar-Cunha António, Henggeler Antunes Carlos, Coello Carlos Coello (Eds.). Cham [i in.]: Springer, cop. 2015. s. 307-320.
  • Rudy J., Żelazny D., Multi-criteria fuel distribution: a case study, Artificial intelligence and soft computing: 14th International Conference, ICAISC 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 14-18, 2015: proceedings. Pt. 2 / Leszek Rutkowski [i in.] (eds.). Cham [i in.]: Springer, cop. 2015. s. 272-281.
  • Rudy J., Żelazny D., Solving multi-objective job shop problem using nature-based algorithms: new Pareto approximation features, International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications. 2015, vol. 5, nr 1, s. 1-11.
  • Żelazny D., Pempera J., Solving multi-objective permutation flowshop scheduling problem using CUDA, MMAR 2015: 20th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation & Robotics [Dokument elektroniczny]: 24-27 August, 2015, Międzyzdroje, Poland. [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, cop. 2015. s. 347-352.


  • Smutnicki C., Rudy J., Żelazny D., Very fast non-dominated sorting, Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services. 2014, vol. 8, nr 1/2, s. 13-23.


  • Pempera J., Smutnicki C., Żelazny D., Optimizing bicriteria flow shop scheduling problem by simulated annealing algorithm, Procedia Computer Science 2013, vol. 18, s. 936-945.

Papers in DONA database

Selected publications
Monograph chapter
Jarosław Rudy, Dominik Żelazny,
Model cyklicznej linii produkcyjnej z wiedzą rozmytą. W: Zaawansowane modele i algorytmy optymalizacji w systemach cyklicznych / red. Wojciech Bożejko [i in.]. Warszawa : Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT, 2017. s. 225-241. ISBN: 978-83-7837-064-2
Proceeding paper
Dominik Żelazny,
An evolutionary approach to cyclic real world scheduling. W: Computer information systems and industrial management : 15th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 14-16, 2016 : proceedings / Khalid Saeed, Władysław Homenda (eds.). [Cham] : Springer, cop. 2016. s. 366-373. ISBN: 978-3-319-45377-4
Resources:DOISFXWeb of Science CC
Czesław Smutnicki, Jarosław Rudy, Dominik Żelazny,
A new approach for multi-criteria scheduling. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2015, vol. 90, s. 212-220. ISSN: 0360-8352
Resources:DOISFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal List
Proceeding paper
Dominik Żelazny,
Solving multi-objective permutation flowshop scheduling problem using CUDA. W: MMAR 2015 : 20th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation & Robotics : 24-27 August, 2015, Międzyzdroje, Poland. [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE, cop. 2015. s. 347-352. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8700-9; 978-1-4799-8701-6
Resources:DOIWeb of Science CC
Proceeding paper
Jarosław Rudy, Dominik Żelazny,
Acceleration of neighborhood evaluation for a multi-objective vehicle routing. W: Artificial intelligence and soft computing : 14th International Conference, ICAISC 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 14-18, 2015 : proceedings. Pt. 2 / Leszek Rutkowski [i in.] (eds.). Cham [i in.] : Springer, cop. 2015. s. 202-213. ISBN: 978-3-319-19368-7
Resources:DOISFXWeb of Science CC
Proceeding paper
Jarosław Rudy, Dominik Żelazny,
Multi-criteria fuel distribution: a case study. W: Artificial intelligence and soft computing : 14th International Conference, ICAISC 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 14-18, 2015 : proceedings. Pt. 2 / Leszek Rutkowski [i in.] (eds.). Cham [i in.] : Springer, cop. 2015. s. 272-281. ISBN: 978-3-319-19368-7
Resources:DOISFXWeb of Science CC
Proceeding paper
Jarosław Rudy, Dominik Żelazny,
GACO: a parallel evolutionary approach to multi-objective scheduling. W: Evolutionary multi-criterion optimization : 8th International Conference, EMO 2015, Guimarães, Portugal, March 29-April 1, 2015 : proceedings. Pt. 1 / Gaspar-Cunha António, Henggeler Antunes Carlos, Coello Carlos Coello (Eds.). Cham [i in.] : Springer, cop. 2015. s. 307-320. ISBN: 978-3-319-15934-8
Resources:DOIURLSFXWeb of Science CC
Łukasz Kacprzak, Jarosław Rudy, Dominik Żelazny,
Multi-criteria 3-dimension bin packing problem. Research in Logistics & Production. 2015, vol. 5, nr 1, s. 85-94. ISSN: 2083-4942
Resources:URLSFXMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Dominik Żelazny,
Multi-criteria optimization in fuel distribution. Research in Logistics & Production. 2015, vol. 5, nr 1, s. 77-84. ISSN: 2083-4942
Resources:URLSFXMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Jarosław Rudy, Dominik Żelazny,
Solving multi-objective job shop problem using nature-based algorithms: new Pareto approximation features. International Journal of Optimization and Control : Theories & Applications. 2015, vol. 5, nr 1, s. 1-11. ISSN: 2146-0957
Resources:DOISFXMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access

All publications

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