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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Prof. Jan Magott, DSc, PhD, Eng


Unit: Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (N) » Department of Computer Engineering

ul. Z. Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372 Wrocław
building C-3, room 311
phone +48 71 320 3295

Office hours

  • Monday 9.00-11.00
  • Friday 11.00-13.00

Research fields

  • Formal methods in computer science; safety engineering; computational intelligence.

Recent papers


  • Magott J., Skrobanek P., Semantics and execution time of new timed statecharts, Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 147, nr 4, pp. 387-414.
  • Lower M., Magott J., Skorupski J., Analysis of Air Traffic Incidents using event trees with fuzzy probabilities, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 293, pp. 50-79.


  • Kowalski M., Magott J., Nowakowski T., Werbińska-Wojciechowska S., Exact and approximation methods for dependability assessment of tram systems with time window, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 235, Is. 3, 2014, pp. 671-686.


  • Magott J., Skrobanek P., Timing analysis of safety properties using fault trees with time dependencies and timed state-charts, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 97, nr 1, pp. 14-26.


  • Łukowicz M., Magott J., Skrobanek P., Selection of Minimal Tripping Time for Distance Protection using Fault Trees with Time Dependencies, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 81, I. 7, pp. 1556-1571.


  • Babczyński T., Łukowicz M., Magott J., Time Coordination of Distance Protections Using Probabilistic Fault Trees with Time Dependencies, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 25, nr 3, pp. 1402-1409.
  • Babczyński T., Łukowicz M., Magott J., Selection of Zone 3 time delay for backup distance protection using probabilistic fault trees with time dependencies. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, R. 86, nr 9, pp. 208-215.

Papers in DONA database

Selected publications
Szymon Haładyn, Jan Magott, Franciszek Restel, Łukasz Wolniewicz,
Selection of train traffic manager’s activities in training process using functional resonance analysis method. Archives of Transport. 2023, vol. 65, nr 1, s. 39-51. ISSN: 0866-9546; 2300-8830
Resources:DOIURLSFXMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Jan Magott, Irena Wikiera-Magott,
Optimization of tests for verification of a diagnosis made by a general practitioner (GP). The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology. 2021, vol. 27, nr 2, s. 19-25. ISSN: 2451-3512; 2543-7186
Resources:DOIURLSFXMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Monograph chapter
Jan Magott, Irena Wikiera-Magott,
Dobór badań w diagnozowaniu pacjenta przez lekarza POZ = Selection of tests in diagnosing the patient by General Practitioner. W: Problemy niezawodności systemów technicznych : teoria i zastosowania : praca zbiorowa / red. Tomasz Nowakowski, Adam Rosiński, Mirosław Siergiejczyk. Warszawa : Wydział Transportu Politechniki Warszawskiej : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2021. s. 51-60. ISBN: 978-83-8156-225-6
Proceeding paper
Jan Magott, Irena Wikiera-Magott,
Optimization of selection of tests in diagnosing the patient by general practitioner. W: Computational Science - ICCS 2021 : 21st International Conference Krakow, Poland, June 16-18, 2021 : proceedings. Pt. 3 / eds. Maciej Paszynski [i in.]. Cham : Springer, cop. 2021. s. 506-513. ISBN: 978-3-030-77966-5; 978-3-030-77967-2
Jan Magott, Irena Wikiera-Magott,
Patient safety analysis in general practitioner’s work using functional resonance analysis method (FRAM) = Analiza bezpieczeństwa pacjenta w pracy lekarza POZ z zastosowaniem metody analizy rezonansu funkcjonalnego (FRAM). Journal of KONBiN. 2020, vol. 50, nr 3, s. 217-226. ISSN: 1895-8281; 2083-4608
Resources:URLSFXMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Michał Lower, Jan Magott, Jacek Skorupski,
A system-theoretic accident model and process with human factors analysis and classification system taxonomy. Safety Science. 2018, vol. 110, part A, s. 393-410. ISSN: 0925-7535
Resources:DOISFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal List
Jan Magott, Paweł Skrobanek,
Semantics and execution time of new timed statecharts. Fundamenta Informaticae. 2016, vol. 147, nr 4, s. 387-414. ISSN: 0169-2968
Resources:DOISFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal List
Michał Lower, Jan Magott, Jacek Skorupski,
Analysis of air traffic incidents using event trees with fuzzy probabilities. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2016, vol. 293, s. 50-79. ISSN: 0165-0114
Resources:DOISFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal List
Proceeding paper
Michał Lower, Jan Magott, Jacek Skorupski,
Analiza dynamiki incydentu w ruchu lotniczym z zastosowaniem wnioskowania rozmytego = Air traffic incident dynamics analysis using fuzzy inference. W: Niezawodność systemów technicznych : materiały XLIII Zimowej Szkoły Niezawodności, Szczyrk, 11-17 stycznia 2015. Warszawa : Wydział Transportu Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2015. s. 1-9. ISBN: 978-83-7814-341-3
Proceeding paper
Tomasz Babczyński, Jan Magott,
Dependability and safety analysis of ERTMS level 3 using analytic estimation. W: Safety and reliability: methodology and applications : proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2014, Wrocław, Poland, 14-18 September 2014 / eds. Tomasz Nowakowski [i in.]. Leiden : CRC Press/Balkema, cop. 2015. s. 293-298. ISBN: 978-1-138-02681-0
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