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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Activity Days – Welcome!

Date: 03.11.2022

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

Students of the Faculty!
We would like to invite you to the Days of Activity at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology called
DaWIT and held on November 22 from 10:00 to 14:00 in the Faculty buildings (C-1, C-4, C-5 and C-16).

dni_aktywnosci_wit_logo.jpgDuring the event, you will be able to visit stands prepared especially for you by:
• Studetn Research Clubs of the Faculty (full list will be available soon)
Dean's Office of the Faculty
Academic Entrepreneurship Incubator
Career Office
Department of Accessibility and Support for People with Disabilities
Typhlo-IT Laboratory
Team for Equality Policy at WUST.

The exhibitors will tell you about their activities. You will not only get a lot of important information, but also spend an interesting time. Various challenges await you at the stands.

People who visit all stands and take part in the lottery have a chance to win… prizes! When visiting the exhibitors, be sure to take the leaflet with you, which you will receive at the Dean's Office.  

Make sure you don't miss it.

We're looking forward to meet you!
See you at DaWIT!

More information about the exhibitors and the event can be found here. We will be successively posting new information and will keep you updated on the preparations.



Files to download

flyer_a5_dawit_eng.pdf [ .pdf 434.68 KB ]


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