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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Department From Our Faculty to Receive Ministry of Science and Education Funding for Conference Organization

Date: 28.10.2022 Category: General

The application of the Department of Applied Computer Science is to fund a project promoting Polish science as part of the 14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems ( ACIIDS 2022 ), which will be held in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam on 28-30 November, 2022.
web-g0dd55b757_1920.jpgACIIDS is a series of international conferences managed by the Department of Applied Computer Science since 2009. Its editions take place in Asian countries where Polish science is strongly represented and promoted. The chairman of the ACIIDS conference is prof. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, and its organization is supervised by Dr. Krystian Wojtkiewicz.

aciids2022logo.png– The grant will finance a scientific workshop for young adepts of science, during which they will learn about good practices in the field of scientific research, its documentation and preparation of scientific publications. It will also allow the publication of an open-access book of abstracts, with short versions of scientific articles qualified for presentation at the ACIIDS. – says Prof. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen. – The ACIIDS conference sets trends in the field of modern organization of hybrid scientific meetings. This year, all the proceedings and communication between participants will be supported by Whova software, which will enhance the potential of the so-called networking of participants both attending the conference on-site in Ho Chi Minh City and those who decided to participate remotely.

Since 2021, the ACIIDS conference has category B in the CORE ranking.

491 applications competed for financing under the Excellent Science program. 387 of them were qualified for financing by the Ministry of Science and Education, for a total amount of PLN 30,827,818.80 in the years 2022–2024. Three of these applications were submitted by Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Information about the results of the competition can be found here.


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