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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

IT Still the Most Popular. The Recruitment Results Already Known!

Date: 27.09.2021 Category: Science

Applied Computer Science, Construction, Cybersecurity, Information Technology, as well as Automation and Robotics – these fields of study were the most popular during the recruitment for first-cycle studies at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

Computer science... the queen of sciences

Grafika komputerowaAfter almost two months have passed since the start of the recruitment procedures, the results finally appeared on the candidates' accounts in our recruitment system. Over 8,500 candidates registered in the WUST recruitment system. Over 7,000 places in 52 different fields were waiting for them (during first-cycle studies). These included four fields of study in English and the same number of new fields: IT in Automation Systems, Electromobility, Geoinformatics and Intelligent IT.

Popular fields of study

The fields that enjoyed the greatest interest this year were once again those related to the IT industry:

Applied Computer Science in English – 10 candidates per place,
Applied Computer Science in Polish – 9 candidates per place,
Algorithmic Computer Science – 7 candidates per place,
Automation and Robotics – 5 candidates per place,
Cybersecurity – 5 candidates per place.

We start accepting documents from candidates who have qualified for admission on 12 July. Candidates may submit documents from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. and on Saturday, 17 July (from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.) in building C-13, room no. 0.12.

What if I wasn't accepted? The chance is still there!

Grafika komputerowa– If someone was not accepted in their desired field, or for some reason failed to register in the first recruitment round, we invite you to the second recruitment round – says Anetta Stypułkowska, head of the Admission Office.
The complete list of the fields of study and the limits of places in the second recruitment round will be announced on 19 July. The second recruitment round will last until 25 July.

Currently, Wrocław University of Science and Technology is home to over 21,500 students who study in its thirteen faculties. Last year, candidates most often chose Applied Computer Science, System Engineering, Algorithmic Computer Science and Cybersecurity.

Detailed information about the recruitment offer of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and specific examples of why it is worth studying with us can be found here.


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