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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Master's Degree 2024: Online Meeting for W4 Candidates (UPDATED)

Date: 21.02.2024 Category: General

studio magisterskie 2024 - grafika ilustracyjna

An online meeting for candidates for master's studies at W4 is behind us. On the WUST YouTube channel, we talked about the offer of master's studies at our University. The part devoted to the fields of study at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology took place on Wednesday, 31 January, 2024.

studio_magisterskie-18.jpgCandidates learned what to expect in individual fields of master's degree studies, how their program differs from an engineering program, and what employment prospects they can expect after graduating. Online meetings took place on Tuesday, 30 January and Wednesday, 31 January, 2024. The studio started broadcasting at 10.00 a.m.



On Wednesday, the talks took place on the following topics:

  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation, Electronic And Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering and Energy
  • Geosciences


The following fields of study were presented in the panel, which started precisely at 11.13: Dr. Maciej Nikodem from the Department of Technical Computer Science, Anna Grytsko, M.Sc. from the Department of ICT and Telecommunications, Dr. Jan Kocoń from the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Prof. Adrianna Kozierkiewicz from the Department of Applied Computer Science.


W panelu, który rozpocznie się precyzyjnie o godz. 11.13 były prezentowane kierunki: CybersecurityAlgorithmic Computer ScienceApplied Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringComputer Engineering in EnglishIT in Automation SystemsTeleinformaticsTelecommunications. Anna Grytsko, M.Sc. talked about Cybersecurity, ICT and Telecommunications, Prof. Adrianna Kozierkiewicz – about Systems Engineering, and Dr. Maciej Nikodem – about other fields of study.

The next panel devoted to artificial intelligence started at 11.34, and Dr. Jan Kocoń introduced the attendees to the following fields: Artificial IntelligenceTrusted Artificial Intelligence.


We encourage everyone interested in second-cycle studies at our Faculty to take a look. W4 offers 11 fields of study, including 1 in English. You can apply on the website of the Admissions Department. The deadline for the candidates to register in the system and pay the application fee is 9 February, 2024.The lists of people admitted to master's studies will be announced on 19 February.


During the event, you could also learn why, after obtaining a master's degree, it is a good idea to pursue your professional career at the Doctoral School at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

The organizers encouraged everyone to actively participate. You could ask questions in the chat. They were answered by employees of the Admissions Department at WUST, and selected questions were asked to the guests in the studio.

On Tuesday, the talks took place on the following topics:
•    Civil engineering and spatial management
•    Mathematics and physics
•    Chemistry
•    Biosciences
•    Management
•    Mechanical engineering and robotics


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