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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Prof. Andrzej Kucharski Is the New Dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Date: 06.10.2021 Category: General

Rector of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs appointed Prof. Andrzej Kucharski as the dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology. Congratulations!

The Faculty as a community

The fundamental idea guiding the newly appointed dean is the continuous creation of the Faculty in a collegial manner – as a community composed of academic teachers, students and doctoral students, as well as technical support and administration employees.

– I assume that these decisions, which are particularly important for many aspects of the new Faculty, will be made by reaching a consensus. Such an approach does not mean a vision of a passive and indecisive dean. On the contrary – in my opinion, it is the dean who should propose specific solutions and allow them to be critically reviewed by the Faculty's community so that sound advice from this community is not excluded – wrote Prof. Andrzej Kucharski.

Transparent management

na_strone_ak.jpgIn addition, the dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology wants the Faculty to be managed transparently – which is always important, but especially in the case of a faculty composed of departments of different traditions, and with employees used to different organizational solutions.

Let us choose the best elements from these different traditions and solutions, without succumbing to the illusion that the best solutions are those which we are used to – declares the new dean.

Trust in employees

Moreover, Prof. Andrzej Kucharski wants the work of the Faculty to be organized on the basis of a clearly defined organizational structure – with a clear division of tasks and competences.

– I intend to be guided by trust in the employees, trust also understood as the ability to delegate tasks, which does not contradict with exercising control over these tasks to make sure they are performed properly. The deputy deans and heads of individual administrative areas will play a special role in this respect – adds the professor.

Professional experience

Until now, Prof. Andrzej Kucharski has been, among others, the head of the Antenna Theory and Computational Electromagnetics Lab at the Telecommunications and Teleinformatics Department, deputy head of the Telecommunications and Teleinformatics Department, deputy dean of the Faculty of Electronics, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and vice-rector for cooperation with economy and computerization.

The professor's scientific interests revolve around applications of integral equations in descriptions of the phenomena related to the scattering of electromagnetic fields by material objects and include moment-based methods of solving the above-mentioned equations. His scientific activity is also related to the theory of antennas and antenna technology and metrology, electromagnetic compatibility, as well as to research on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in satellite links.

As part of his current teaching duties, prof. Kucharski lectures on the subject of Numerical Methods and teaches classes in the Case Study Lab and diploma seminars.

Bonds with Wroclaw and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Between 1989 and 1993, he was a student of full-time doctoral studies at the Faculty of Electronics, Wroclaw University of Science Technology. In 1993 he started work as an assistant at the Radiocommunication Department. He has worked at the Department as an assistant professor since 1994. At the turn of 1994, the then Dr. Kucharski spent 3 months at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) in Sophia Antipolis, France, where he was responsible for the development of European telecommunications standards in the field of satellite telecommunications.

The professor is also a senior member of two associations: the Antennas and Propagation, Microwave Theory and Techniques association and the Electromagnetics Compatibility association at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is also a laureate of the Prime Minister of Poland Award (2001, as part of the team led by Prof. Daniel J. Bem).

The 57-year-old professor was born in Wroclaw and has always been associated with the city. He received the M.Sc. (engineer) degree and the degrees of doctor and habilitated doctor at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in 1988, 1994 and 2001, respectively. In 2014 he was awarded the title of professor of technical sciences.



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