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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Prof. Świątek and Prof. Więckowski Awarded Professor Magnus

Date: 07.09.2022 Category: General

Two outstanding researchers from our Faculty: Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski and Prof. Jerzy Świątek received the Professor Magnus Awards. The rector also awarded four other scientists from the University in recognition of their merit for science and for the University. Congratulations!

Grafika: Zdjęcia sześciu profesorów, którzy otrzymali status professor magnus.For the next three years, the following researchers will be entitled to the Professor Magnus title: Prof. Krzysztof Abramski (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems), Prof. Marek Bryjak (Faculty of Chemistry), Prof. Lech Gładysiewicz (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology), Prof. Antoni Szydło (Faculty of Civil Engineering), as well as Prof. Jerzy Świątek and Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski (both from the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology).

Together with the previously awarded professors, there are already twelve Professor Magnus scientists at our University. Last year the award went to: Prof. Jan Biliszczuk (Faculty of Civil Engineering), Prof. Edward Chlebus (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Prof. Jan Misiewicz (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology), Prof. Janusz Mroczka (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems), Prof. Marek Samoć (Faculty of Chemistry) and Prof. Aleksander Weron (Faculty of Mathematics).

The status of Professor Magnus is granted in a competition mode, conducted in the summer semester and granted for a period of three years by the rector, only at the request of the College of Chairmen of Scientific Discipline Councils, after consulting the Senate.

Everyone who receives this title has the right to use it inside and outside the university. The title holders are also allowed to be employed in the position of a professor with an unchanged working time and under the existing conditions after retirement. They may also be heads of departments at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (during the employment period).

More information about the Faculty's researchers who were awarded the Professor Magnus titles in 2022

Zdjęcia prof. Jerzego Świątka i prof. Tadeusza Więckowskiego
Prof. Jerzy Świątek was born on 30 Sept. 1953 in Jasło.

Prof. Jerzy ŚwiątekHe graduated from the Faculty of Electronics at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in 1977, and received the M.Sc. Eng. title in electronics, specializing in cybersystems. On 28 September, 1979, he received a doctoral degree in technical sciences, and on 24 June, 1987, a postdoctoral degree in technical sciences in the field of automation and robotics at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. As a result of the qualification procedure conducted by the System Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, on 7 October 2010, he was awarded the title of professor of technical sciences.

Research work of Prof. Jerzy Świątek are located in the discipline of: automation and robotics, computer science, in the specialty of computer systems for modelling, identification, recognition, decision support and control. In particular, they are focused on the problems of the modelling and identification of biological objects, two-stage identification and its applications, identification of input-output complex systems, identification of complex network systems, including operation complexes, application of neural networks in the modelling and identification of complex systems, modelling and identification of described objects with the help of relationships, decision support systems using artificial intelligence methods, including modelling, identification and recognition methods.

His achievements include over 300 published works, including a monograph and a book. He is also a co-author of two scripts and 35 monographs. In addition, several of his studies are related to the organization of the teaching process, namely: the implementation of the three-stage (Bologna) model of education and of the teaching quality assurance system.

Prof. Jerzy Świątek has developed and conducted lectures on the theory of experiment and identification, optimization methods, decision theory and operations, methods of image recognition, and a monographic lecture on the identification of complex systems and its applications. He developed and conducted specialist lectures at a postgraduate course in the field of microcomputers in automation and technology of systems and management systems.

He is a co-author of new laboratory stands in the field of microcomputers in automation and systems technology. He is also a co-author of laboratory scripts for the above-mentioned issues. He participated in the works of the Faculty Program Committee at the former Faculty of Information Technology and Management, where he developed programs for the Control Systems specialization in the field of computer science and in the works of the Faculty Commission for the field of automation and robotics, where he developed programs for and launched the field of study at the Faculty of Electronics.

He is the initiator of a unique specialization in Basic Computer Science in the field of computer science and a unique field in systems engineering at the former Faculty of Information Technology and Management. He is the author of many initiatives aimed at modernizing the education process at Wrocław University of Science and Technology and implementing the Bologna process.

He was the supervisor of fourteen completed doctoral dissertations, as well as a reviewer in three procedures for the title of professor in five habilitation procedures and in twenty-three doctoral dissertations. In the years 1990-1993 he was a member of the Program Council of Doctoral Studies at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Prof. Świątek chaired the organizing committees of many domestic and foreign conferences.

He co-managed a research team carrying out tasks in the programs CPBP 02.15 "System Research and Their Priority Applications" and RP I.02 "Theory of Control and Optimization of Continuous Dynamic Processes and Discrete Processes." He was the head of teams carrying out research tasks as part of own research and in statutory activities. He was a manager in the following grant projects: "System of complex object adaptive control with the use of two-stage identification" (1990-1991) and "Identification of complex systems with application to adaptive control – algorithms, computer programs" (1991-1994). In 2010-2013, he was a manager in task 3.2: E-health network, in the Future Internet Engineering Project.

Prof. Jerzy Świątek has been a member of: Automation and Robotics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the IT and Automation Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Wrocław Branch, the Computer Decision Support Systems section – the IT Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Wrocław Scientific Society and the Polish Information Technology Society.

He was the Institute deputy director for didactics, then the deputy dean for teaching, for two terms he was also dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Management at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, he was the vice-rector for teaching at Wrocław University of Science and Technology for two terms and for the next two terms he was the dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Management of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. He was head of the Department of Modelling and Identification at the Institute of Control and Systems Technology, Department of Computer Science, and after reorganization, head of the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering. Currently, he is head of the Modelling and Machine Learning Laboratory.

He was a member of the Senate of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the Senate Committee for Academic Affairs, Research Staff and Ethics, as well as chairman of the Senate Committee for Teaching and Student Affairs, chairman of the Senate Committee for Organization and Finance and a member of the Senate Committee for Personnel Development.

He was chairman of the Conference of Vice-Rectors for Teaching at Polish Technical Universities, and of the College of Vice-Rectors for Teaching at Universities in Wrocław and Opole.

He was a member and expert of the State Accreditation Committee (2005-2011), the KRASP Accreditation Committee, and the chairman of the Accreditation Committee of Technical Universities (2006-2009).

Prof. Jerzy Świątek received two individual Minister awards of the Third Degree, a Minister team award of the First Degree (in a team of two), 35 awards of the Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, 4 Dean's Awards, 5 Awards of the Institute Director and the Award of the Secretary of the 4th Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences for a series of publications on identification and its applications.

He is awarded the Silver and Gold Cross of Merit, the Medal of the National Education Commission, the Bronze Medal "Armed Forces in the Homeland Service", the Medal of the Commander of the Silesian Military District "With the Heart to the Soldier", the Gold Badge of the Academic Sports Association and the Medal of Merit for Rzeszów University of Technology. He was also awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski was born on 31 October 1952 in Lwówek Śląski.

Prof. Tadeusz WięckowskiHe graduated from the Faculty of Electronics, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in 1976. He started his professional career in 1976 at the District Inspectorate of the State Radio Inspection in Wrocław. In the same year, he began doctoral studies at the Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. In 1980, he defended his doctoral dissertation titled „Frame antenna as a magnetic field probe in lossy environments.” That year he was employed at Wrocław University of Science and Technology as an assistant professor. In 1993, after the presentation of a dissertation entitled "Loop antennas in the electromagnetic field metrology", he received a postdoctoral degree in technical sciences at the Faculty of Electronics of the Wrocław University of Technology, and in 1996 he was appointed associate professor at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

The title of professor of technical sciences was awarded to him by the President of the Republic of Poland in 2002. In 2006 he was appointed to the position of full professor.

At Wrocław University of Science and Technology, he was deputy head of the Department of Radiocommunication (1985-2005), head of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory, deputy director of the Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (1990-1996), director of the Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (1996-2002), head for quality at the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory of the Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics at WUST, PCBC-accredited head (1998-2005) and head of Brussel-accredited Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility of the Institute of Telecommunications, Teleinformatics and Acoustics, WUST (since 2005), head of the teaching Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility (1980-2002), head of the Department of Radiocommunication and Teleinformatics at the Institute of Telecommunications, Teleinformatics and Acoustics, WUST (2005-2006), head of the Department of Radiocommunication and Teleinformatics at the Institute of Telecommunications, Teleinformatics and Acoustics, WUST (since 2006).

In the years 2002-2008 he was the vice-rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology for research and cooperation with the industry, and then the rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology (2008-2016). Currently, he is the director of Wrocław Centre for Networking and Supercomputing (since 2020).

He received twice the Prime Minister's Award. He is an honorary doctor of: Lviv Polytechnic, Moscow Power Engineering Institute and the National Mining University in Dnipropetrovsk. He is an honorary professor at Óbuda University in Budapest and the Honorary Consul of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.

He was, inter alia, chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities (2012-2016), and a honorary chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities (2016-2020).

He is a member of the organizational and programme committees for both national and international conferences. He received: Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Gold and Silver Crosses of Merit and the KEN Medal.

Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski has published nearly 190 scientific papers, including 15 books, monographs and textbooks, over 70 articles in journals and at international conferences, 100 articles in journals and at national conferences. He also owns six patent applications and patents, as well as over 600 expert opinions for the industry, including 399 documented series of reports and numerous implementations.

In his scientific activity, he deals with methods of electromagnetic compatibility testing of devices, systems and installations, with particular emphasis on the intersystem compatibility of telecommunications and ICT installations.

In the field of ICT, his most important achievements include the development of methods for testing the sensitivity of devices to electromagnetic disturbances. He developed methods for both the direct and indirect impact of disturbances on devices. The results of these works served as the basis for the study prepared by prof. Tadeusz Więckowski of the concept of a laboratory of pulsed electromagnetic exposures.

This laboratory was the first in the country and one of the few in the world and gave rise to the establishment of many similar laboratories in Poland. The research results and achievements were used in all laboratories in Poland, the creation of which was necessary in connection with the introduction of the New Approach Directives of the European Union in Poland.

Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski is the supervisor of approx. 100 diploma theses, 10 doctoral dissertations, a reviewer in 5 applications for the title of professor (Faculty of Electronics at the Military University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology), 6 habilitation programs defended at the Faculty of Electronics, Military University of Technology (3 dissertations) and at the Faculty of Electronics WUST. He is also a reviewer of 2 habilitation monographs and 9 doctoral dissertations defended at the Faculties of Electronics at Warsaw University of Technology, at the Military University of Technology and at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

It's owing to his efforts that the university campus has been expanded with the following buildings: the Bibliotech, the Technopolis, the Geocentrum complex, the archive, and the sports hall. He organized the largest Faculty of Information and Communication Technology in Poland. The Senate honoured him with the Medal for Outstanding Services for Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Grafika: zdjęcia profesorów, którzy otrzymali tytuł professor magnus


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