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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Special Scientific Awards for Our Scientists

Date: 03.01.2024 Category: General

During the annual Wrocław University of Science and Technology Holiday, two scientists from our Faculty received special scientific awards. The Marian Suski Scientific Award was given to Prof. Przemysław Kazienko, and the Dionizy Smoleński Scientific Award – to Prof. Róża Goścień. The awards went to a total of 17 WUST researchers.

Laureaci specjalnych nagród rektora

Winners of the Special Scientific Awards 2023

Laureaci specjalnych nagród rektora

Read about the patrons of the Special Scientific Awards

Winners of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology Gold Badges with Diamond 2023

  • prof. Rafał Czerner (Faculty of Architecture),
  • prof. Tomasz Ossowicz (Faculty of Architecture),
  • prof. Monika Hardygóra (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology) – badge awarded during the celebration of the 55th anniversary of the faculty.

Odznaczeni Złotymi Odznakami z Brylantem w czasie uroczystości

The distinction is awarded to employees and other people who significantly contributed to the development of Wrocław University of Science and Technology or to its good name.

Winners of the Rector's Scientific Scholarships 2023

During the ceremony, the Rector's scholarships were also awarded to outstanding employees – in the following categories: publishing and design and implementation activities. 

Laureaci stypendiów naukowych

Faculty of Architecture:

Faculty of Electrical Engineering::

Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering:

Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology:

Faculty of Mathematics:


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