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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

The Algorithm Bubble [LISTEN]

Date: 17.10.2024 Category: General


What are we afraid of in the development of artificial intelligence? What effects of using AI are we already struggling with today? These and other topics have been discussed by Prof. Tomasz Kajdanowicz from our Faculty, and by Prof. Joanna Rymaszewska from the Faculty of Medicine at WUST.

Listen to the entire conversation "Artificial intelligence - what fears..." on the Spotify profile of Academic Radio LUZ.

During the interview in Academic Radio LUZ, the scientists pointed out that we humans are already treated as objects when dealing with AI and its algorithms, for example when we use social media, streaming platforms or when we shop online.

– Companies collect a lot of data, process it and automate processes that can be monetized. It doesn't really matter whether we spend our time watching a TV series or spend money shopping online, it does not matter – explains Prof. Tomasz Kajdanowicz, head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence at our Faculty.
– What worries us is also the fact that in the future AI will increasingly replace humans in relationships. Interpersonal contact should not be replaced by a robot. Research confirms how much it affects the quality of our lives,” explains Prof. Joanna Rymaszewska, psychiatrist from the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at the Faculty of Medicine.

According to Prof. Kajdanowicz, until reflection and social responsibility appear in companies developing AI, the market of such services must be regulated by law. Pollish and European legislators realize that they are one step behind in relation to technology, but there is no other way out – says the scientist and points to the most famous scandal of information manipulation during the presidential elections in the United States.

Information oversaturation

In turn, Prof. Rymaszewska draws attention to the biological consequences – after all, AI in smartphones accompanies us almost everywhere. – We already know that the environment has a strong impact on human development, it even affects our genes. Artificial intelligence has a very intrusive impact on young people – emphasizes the psychiatrist. She does not postulate disconnecting children and young people from their phones, and believes that this trend cannot be reversed. Our knowledge is no longer needed, what counts is the ability to search for information – she adds.


However, 43% of students in the last grades of secondary schools cite social media as a source of knowledge about the world*!

We live in times of information oversaturation, which floods us from every side, and which is largely generated by AI. At the same time, our brain constantly feels pleasure, because it is "fed" with the content that matches our expectations. Hence, it is so important to maintain the so-called information ecology, i.e. not to pollute the information environment. We have to start treating this space like air, we all want to breathe clean air – explains Prof. Kajdanowicz.

* data from the „Leap into Adulthood" report based on research conducted for Wrocław University of Science and Technology by the IPC Research Institute.


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