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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

The Most Active Accessibility Leaders from W4 With Distinctions

Date: 03.07.2024 Category: General

liderki_wyroznione.pngAgnieszka Gawryszuk and Ula Małecka from our Faculty were recognised as the most active Accessibility Leaders. They received letters of acknowledgement during the ceremony of awarding scholarships to students with disabilities for their activity and academic achievements. Congratulations!

80 students with disabilities received scholarships for their activity and academic achievements. The scholarships were awarded by the Wrocław University of Science and Technology Alumni Association and funded, among others, from donations collected during the Charity Ball and the Nocne Listowanie (Letter Night) campaign.

During the ceremony, the most active Accessibility Leaders were also recognised. They are university employees involved in promoting the idea of accessibility. Their task is, among others, to support people with special needs at the individual WUST faculties.

Agnieszka Gawryszuk and Ula Małecka from our Faculty received letters of acknowledgement for their outstanding activity in the Accessibility Leaders Team.

liderki-38.jpg– I did not expect such an award. I believe that I am doing what every decent person should do when you meet someone in need, without expecting any honors in return – says Agnieszka Gawryszuk.
liderki-48.jpg– Thank you very much for this distinction. It means a lot to me. It's not just that my work was appreciated, but above all, I am happy that the University recognises the work of Accessibility Leaders and understands the needs of various students. I promise to continue helping our students and would like to encourage them to contact me. Thank you for your trust – says Ula Małecka.

More information about possible forms of support and the rules for providing them can be found on the website of the Department of Accessibility and Support for People with Disabilities.

At our Faculty, the following employees offer support to students with special needs and promote the idea of accessibility: Agnieszka Gawryszuk, Ula Małecka and Anna Grytsko. You can contact them if you have any questions regarding support, requests for teaching assistance to a student with special needs, or requests for consultations regarding accessibility.

The Accessibility Leaders can be approached through our website, in the Students tab.


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