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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

The Most Active Students From Our Faculty Awarded at the Student Activity Gala

Date: 12.07.2024 Category: General


The rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology awarded 75 students with prizes in recognition of their results in competitions, as well as their commitment to building the image of the University. Six of them were from our Faculty. Special awards also went to the most committed supervisors of student research clubs as well as to the most supportive deans' offices and employees of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

The Student Activity Gala is an annual celebration of those WUST students who are most active and committed in science, sport, arts and social initiatives. The event has been organized for several years by the Student Activity Support Department and Wrocław University of Science and Technology and by Student Government.

This year, the event – due to the ongoing European Football Championships – had the atmosphere of a sports competition „active students against the rest of the world". There was thus the stadium turf on the floor, and fan scarves around the necks of the hosts of the event – Katarzyna Szybalska and Łukasz Ptaszek – as well as a "results" strip right under the stage (like in a real match broadcast), a Mexican wave among the viewers and hot cheering and chants (with the "nothing happened, rector, nothing happened" classic stadium song – when some of the announced award winners did not show up on the stage).

Gala Aktywności Studenckiej

The absences were largely excused, as the awarded students devote their time to work in research clubs, organizations and local governments, spend their nights in workshops and garages, spend months preparing for sports championships and represent the University in international competitions, combining their activity with studies, and often also with professional work.

The rector recognized 75 such people with his awards.

Gala Aktywności Studenckiej

Winners of the WUST Rector's Awards:

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology: Piotr Gabrysch, Maksymilian Górski, Piotr Kozarzewski, Artur Kręgiel, Tomasz Łakomy, Szymon Romanek;

Faculty of Architecture: Armin Ernst, Julia Heś, Weronika Piotrowska, Aleksandra Sośnierz, Aleksandra Tądel, Kinga Wasilewska;

Faculty of Civil Engineering: Maksymilian Janicki, Julia Kot, Piotr Kwak, Marlena Mój, Mateusz Szulc;

Faculty of Chemistry: Marta Majcher, Mateusz Sperczyński, Michał Wnuk;

Faculty of Electrical Engineering: Oliwia Frankiewicz, Maksymilian Rędzicki, Kacper Sowiński, Kamila Żabicka;

Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology: Jakub Dobrzański, Alicja Jeżak, Zofia Polowczyk, Dawid Tabak;

Faculty of Environmental Engineering: Ewa Glenc, Agnieszka Grabka, Wiktoria Jaskóła, Emilia Rus;

Faculty of Management: Barbara Kubek, Szymon Nowak, Marcel Sobecki, Zofia Stypułkowska;

Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering: Kacper Adolf, Mateusz Dziedzic, Paweł Iwańczyk, Weronika Janowicz, Martyna Kowalczyk, Natalia Nienartowicz, Patryk Jasik, Jakub Ruchała;

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Marta Boczkowska, Przemysław Duda, Karol Jackowski, Dominik Korzeniowski, Wiktoria Mrowiec, Jan Odrobiński, Nikodem Perła, Kajetan Skolmowski, Marcin Szubert, Michał Wieczorek, Paweł Wójcik;

Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology: Antonina Bieganowska, Jakub Boniecki, Bartłomiej Płoszyński, Piotr Tokarczyk, Paulina Wojciechowska;

Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems: Szymon Drzewiecki, Michał Kos, Igor Rak, Adam Wąs;

Faculty of Mathematics: Justyna Baczyńska, Igor Hołowacz, Marcin Kostrzewa, Hubert Woszczek;

Faculty of Medicine: Marta Ładniak, Iga Minta;

WUST branch in Jelenia Góra: Ewelina Kudela;

WUST branch in Legnica: Mateusz Musiatowicz, Jakub Steć;

WUST branch in Wałbrzych: Wiktoria Hejman, Wincenty Wensker.

– Thank you for this year – said rector Arkadiusz Wójs from the stage. – This university is yours, it is because of your commitment that we have something to be proud of. There are so many student successes that sometimes it's impossible to keep up with you, he laughed.

He was joined by Dr. Piotr Górski, vice-rector for student affairs: – It is thanks to you that our University is getting better and better. We keep our fingers crossed for you – he added.

Marcin Szubert , vice-chairman of the WUST Student Parliament added: – There is probably nothing more optimistic than the words I heard from a student from Warsaw University of Technology. We talked about student activities and after he heard how much was going on at our University, he told me: – I wish I could study with you". – This is the best proof that when it comes to student activities, we are at the top.

W czasie gali wręczono także statuetki Poliludków. Trafiły do pracowniczek PWr, które z dużym zaangażowaniem wspierają studentów, podejmując także działania, które nie leżą w ich obowiązkach.

Samorząd Studencki nagrodził z kolei wyróżniające się dziekanaty. Który wydział może pochwalić się Uśmiechniętym Dziekanatem? Poznaj wyniki plebiscytu.

Gala Aktywności Studenckiej stała się też okazją do uhonorowania nagrodami najbardziej zaangażowanych opiekunów kół naukowych, agend kultury i organizacji studenckich.


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