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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

We are all equal

Date: 06.12.2021 Category: General

Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs, WUST rector, signed the "Equality Plan for Wrocław University of Science and Technology for the years 2022-2024". Our university is one of the first in Poland to adopt this type of document.

The main goals of the adopted plan are to promote equality and diversity as the principles that enable everyone working and studying at the university to develop and use their potential as well as to deepen their autonomy in thinking and acting. At the same time, the plan is intended to promote the empowerment, the security and the autonomy of the entire academic community.

Prof. Karolina Jaklewicz– The document is the result of combined needs and necessities. Needs, because according to the equality research, WUST should invest in the social area if iti wants to be a modern, friendly and equitable place to study and work at. Necessities, because starting in 2022 the implementation of the gender equality plan is a formal condition when applying for European research funds, says Karolina Jaklewicz, DSc, Prof. of WUST, university representative for anti-discrimination measures.

Gender equality in employment

The plan therefore combines a general perspective on equality with a particular focus on gender equality. It is to become a point of reference in introducing changes to eliminate injustice, searching for solutions in the area of life and work balance or counteracting discrimination.

– It contains, among others, a research report and a list of areas to be improved in the years 2022-24. Of course, it is not a set of ready-made solutions, it is a starting point for the development of specific documents, recommendations or standards – emphasizes Prof. Jaklewicz.

The main topics covered in the report include, among others, issues related to disproportions in the employment of women and men at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The data show that at the turn of 2021, the faculty authorities at WUST were represented by three times more men than women, and out of ten faculties where men were deans, only four had women participate in the decision-making bodies.

It should be remembered that we are talking about a technical university, i.e. an organization in which the gender imbalance is an existing fact and fits in with the traditionally perceived specificity of the field – explains Monika Małek-Orłowska, PhD, a member of the team for equality policy at WUST. – The plan does not postulate any revolutionary actions or a change to happen "overnight." It is rather a gradual effort to balance the sexes in different areas, she adds.

Against discrimination

Dr. Monika Malek-Orlowska

The prepared report places special attention on the fact that a very high percentage of employees, and students of both sexes were witnesses or victims of discriminatory misconduct. The “Equality Plan” provides for a number of activities aimed at increasing the awareness of issues related to equality and discrimination, and at developing organizational standards that take into account the postulates of the equality culture.

– We plan to organize cyclical information campaigns aimed at people working and studying at WUST. We also plan appropriately targeted trainings and workshops for various groups. We also plan to participate in thematic educational and cultural events promoting a culture of equality, announces Monika Małek-Orłowska, PhD.

When it comes to reacting to and counteracting discriminatory behaviour, it will be regulated by the anti-discrimination procedure, which will allow such misconducts to be safely reported. All reports will be thoroughly analysed and objectively considered.

The groups that feel discriminated against are mainly women, including female students, LGBT+ people and administrative workers. Most of the reported problems concern the so-called micro-aggression, e.g. from instructors who use harmful stereotypes, jokes which discriminate minorities or who undermine the scientific competences of women.

– Although authors of these statements typically do not have bad intentions, the effect is, unfortunately, negative and not only annoys individuals, but also weakens the credibility of WUST as a modern and open university. I think that the very fact of reporting inappropriate behaviour is ground-breaking and proves the growing awareness of our community. It is crucial not to be indifferent and to actively oppose discrimination or unequal treatment – emphasizes Prof. Karolina Jaklewicz.

A motivation for changes

One of the reasons behind the adoption of the document by our University is the need to fulfil the recommendations of the European Commission regarding the implementation of "Gender Equality Plans" by entities applying for funds under the Horizon Europe program.

Dr Mateusz Kotowski– These recommendations clearly indicate that the adopted documents must be actually implemented and followed by a real commitment from the institution. In other words, making the Equality Plan just another document entails a risk of losing access to European research funding. And this fact should be an additional motivation for the university. On our part, we will certainly help implement the planned activities, monitor their execution and report any irregularities – explains Mateusz Kotowski, PhD, a member of the WUST equality policy team.

The adopted document sets out an action plan for the years 2022-24. Representatives of the equality policy team assume that the plan for the following years will be prepared at the end of the above period.

– The future document should hold to the currently set goals, while the actions envisaged in it should be determined taking into account the experiences from the implementation of the current plan – announces Mateusz Kotowski, PhD.

More information at the Equal WUST website


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