Extension of the submission the diploma dissertation
- Student fulfill the request and signed application send (a scan) to the supervisor from the student mailbox. In the topic of the mail write „extension – John Nowak – ITE/INE".
- Supervisor makes opinion regarding student’s request (approval / denial). Supervisor write his/her opinion to the previous mentioned mail and forward the whole message (inlcuding attached signed application of the student) to obrony_w4n@pwr.edu.pl with CC to the student.
- Basing on the reply from the supervisor, student is obliged to check whether the opinion with request has been sent to the above mentioned email address.
- Requests without the opinion of the supervisor will not be processed.
- Requests sent outside of the „pwr” domain will not be processed.
- After the examination of the request, student will be informed via email about the decision from the Vice-Dean.
- After obtained approval from the Vice-Dean, student is obliged to inform reviewer about the extension.
- Deadline for submission of the diploma dissertation (in case of extension) is max. 16.07.2025.
- Deadline for extension submission requests including the opinion of the supervisor is 23.06.2025 (delivery date of the mail to the above mentioned email address).
- All other mails directed to this email address will stay unanswered. Questions has to be addressed to the appropriate persons.