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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Extension of the submission the diploma dissertation

  1. Student fulfill the request and signed application send (a scan) to the supervisor from the student mailbox. In the topic of the mail write „extension – John Nowak – ITE/INE".
  2. Supervisor makes opinion regarding student’s request (approval / denial). Supervisor write his/her opinion to the previous mentioned mail and forward the whole message (inlcuding attached signed application of the student) to with CC to the student.
  3. Basing on the reply from the supervisor, student is obliged to check whether the opinion with request has been sent to the above mentioned email address.
  4. Requests without the opinion of the supervisor will not be processed.
  5. Requests sent outside of the „pwr” domain will not be processed.
  6. After the examination of the request, student will be informed via email about the decision from the Vice-Dean.
  7. After obtained approval from the Vice-Dean, student is obliged to inform reviewer about the extension.
  8. Deadline for submission of the diploma dissertation (in case of extension) is max. 16.07.2025.
  9. Deadline for extension submission requests including the opinion of the supervisor is 23.06.2025 (delivery date of the mail to the above mentioned email address).
  10. All other mails directed to this email address will stay unanswered. Questions has to be addressed to the appropriate persons.

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