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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Artificial Intelligence Day at Wust

Date: 16.08.2023 Category: General

AI Day@WroclawTech 2023 is the first edition of a new annual event first held on the Artificial Intelligence Day at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The event drew the attention of the scientific community to the opportunities and threats arising from the use of AI. It was organized by the Department of Artificial Intelligence at our Faculty.

ai_day-8.jpgThe dynamic development and rapid changes taking place in the field of artificial intelligence have inspired the researchers from the Department of Artificial Intelligence to organize a special AI Day@WroclawTech event. It was meant to allow a broad discussion on artificial intelligence and be a sign of interest in this fascinating field.

The AI Day was opened by the vice-rector for science, Prof. Andrzej Ożyhar with a speech written by ChatGPT, which fact was hidden from the audience until the conclusion. “I asked myself what these two words should look like during today's event, which, in our common intention, is to be a catalyst for the exchange of information, knowledge and new scientific contacts. I came to the conclusion that it should be two words that will come from artificial intelligence...", said the WUST scientist.

– The text that you have just listened to in Polish was created in a dialogue with ChatGPT, to which I gave a certain boundary requirement. It was instructed what today's program should look like and what I would like to be said. In the text, I added only one word – PhD students – because the bot ignored the presence of PhD students in our community. I've also removed phrases I wouldn't normally use. For example, I removed the Polish equivalent of the term "you", which I don't normally use, as it is overfamiliar in my mother tongue. I usually address students as "Dear Sirs and Madams"... I consider the Artificial Intelligence Day, the first and I hope not the last in the history of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, to be open, concluded Prof. Andrzej Ożyhar.

The introduction was later held by the head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Prof. Tomasz Kajdanowicz, who pointed to the fundamental issues related to artificial intelligence and presented some facts as an introduction to the subject.

What exactly is artificial intelligence? How does it work? What makes it so important now? What does it need to further develop? Are we facing another technological revolution? What is AI revolutionizing and should we be afraid of it? – these are some of the questions that the professor of our Faculty tried to answer. 

ai_day-2.jpgThe program of the event included a review of research on artificial intelligence performed at WUST, lectures and presentations, networking opportunities for scientists, a discussion panel with experts, a hackathon for students, and a lecture by Prof. Nitesch Chawla (University of Notre Dame) as part of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar. The lobby of the A-1 building also served as a presentation space for posters dedicated to artificial intelligence. The posters were prepared, among others, by our Artificial Intelligence students. We discussed them separately, during the Best poster award 2023.

Take a quick look behind the scenes of the first AI Day@WroclawTech in the video below and see you next year!


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