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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

More Researchers from Our Faculty Join Academia luvenum

Date: 28.08.2023 Category: General

Two researchers from our Faculty have joined Academia Iuvenum.Together with 22 other scientists, they will replace the young researchers who worked in this body since 2021. The official nominations to the new members and letters of acknowledgement to the representatives from the first term of office will be officially presented on 14 July.

academialuvenum_banery_20222.jpgAcademia Iuvenum (AI) consists of successful researchers from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (at least one year after obtaining Ph.D. title). Its task is to undertake various initiatives for the University, create a platform for the exchange of scientific ideas, and enable young scientists to express opinions inside and outside the University.

The whole body consists of 48 people. Every year, new 24 people are appointed for a two-year term of office by the Rector, upon the recommendation of the Rector's Committee for Scientific Awards.

Who can join AI?

Members of the Academy may be researchers who obtained a doctoral degree no later than one year before the commencement of their term of office, are under 35 years of age by the commencement of their term of office (in the case of female researchers, this age limit is increased by one year for each child born or adopted) and have significant achievements in their scientific discipline.

AI members can count on a number of benefits that are intended to help them focus on their scientific work, including an additional 50 percent pay rise to their assistant professor salary or reducing the teaching load to 120 hours.

They can also benefit from a program of specialized training and workshops on various issues – incl. effectively obtaining grants, public speaking, contacts with the media or the art of argumentation.

Mogą też korzystać z programu specjalistycznych szkoleń oraz warsztatów z różnych zagadnień skutecznego pozyskiwania grantów, wystąpień publicznych, kontaktów z mediami czy sztuki argumentowania.

Visit the Academia luvenum webstie to find out about all members

Oto osoby, które zostały powołane na kadencję 2023-2025. Wśród tegorocznych wybranych jest ośmioro badaczy i badaczek, którzy znalaźli się w składzie pierwszej kadencji (te osoby oznaczono gwiazdką)


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