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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Our Two Scientists Awarded by the Computer Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences for Outstanding Monographs

Date: 16.02.2023 Category: General

Prof. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen and Prof. Krzysztof Brzostowski received the Professor Zdzisław Pawlak Prize for an Outstanding Monograph in Computer Science awarded by the Computer Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Congratulations!

ksiazki_2.pngProf. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen and Prof. Krzysztof Brzostowski are winners of the Professor Zdzisław Pawlak Prize for an Outstanding Monograph in Computer Science awarded by the Computer Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Professor Zdzisław Pawlak was one of the pioneers of computer science in Poland. In 1951 he started work in the famous Mathematical Apparatus Group (Grupa Aparatów Matematycznych – GAM). He became famous in the scientific community as the author of the rough set theory. He was a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and an honoris causa doctor of Poznań University of Technology. He is the author of the monograph "Rough sets: Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Data".

nt_nguyen.jpgProf. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen received the award for his monograph "Knowledge Integration Methods for Probabilistic Knowledge-based Systems" . The publication is co-authored by Van Tham Nguyen and Trong Hieu Tran.

– This award means a lot to me, among other because it is named after Prof. Zdzisław Pawlak, the most outstanding Polish computer scientist. It proves that the research work I conducted with other co-authors is highly appreciated – says Prof. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen.

This is the fifth monograph in the scientific output of the head of the Department of Applied Computer Science. According to the professor, this book contains the results of over 5 years of research in the field of knowledge integration for probabilistic knowledge bases.

– We have developed a range of different probabilistic models and methods for integrating knowledge and resolving inconsistencies. More broadly, the book is on collective computational intelligence, which I have been dealing with for many years – explains Prof. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen. – These results are significant and make a significant contribution to the development of this area. This is the reason why the book has been accepted for publication in a very prestigious publishing house – CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). In the current list of the Ministry of National Education, the publishing house has the highest score, i.e. 200 points.

krzysztof_brzostowski_zdj1.jpgThe Computer Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences also appreciated Prof. Krzysztof Brzostowski for a monograph titled "Application of signal processing in streaming data fusion".

– The award of the Computer Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, whose patron is Professor Zdzisław Pawlak, is in appreciation of several years of scientific work, which resulted in, among others, the awarded monograph. Professor Zdzisław Pawlak is a pioneer of Polish computer science and an outstanding scientist. It is a great honour to be among the scientists who have been recognized with this award – says Prof. Krzysztof Brzostowski, who works at the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering.

The awarded book is, on the one hand, a summary of a stage in my scientific development, and on the other, a basis for further scientific research in the field of data processing.

– The monograph is a summary of several years of my scientific work in the field of using signal processing methods for the purposes of data fusion. I presented a coherent approach to the processing of data from many sources that have different characteristics – explains the author. – My main goal before starting work on the monograph was of scientific nature. However, already when writing it, I also tried to give the presented scientific argumentation a didactic value. Therefore, the monograph contains many examples of the discussed issues, often with references to contemporary issues that are or may be of interest to a wider audience.


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