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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology


Mythical Figures in the Japanese Garden. “Hidden” by our Students

Date: 19.06.2024 Category: General

Eleven mythical characters from Japanese legends have recently been hiding in the Japanese Garden in Wrocław. Can you find them all? The "LegendARy" application developed by our Faculty's students in cooperation with Nomtek will help you. more

"Hey Joe" at the Guitar Guiness Record rehearsal!

Date: 19.06.2024 Category: General

Researchers and students of our Faculty and from other WUST faculties, as well as students of the ALO high school took part in a guitar rehearsal for the Guitar Guiness Record. The event was attended by a special guest – Leszek Cichoński. more

Peer Tutoring: Let's Take a Couple Steps Together

Date: 19.06.2024 Category: General

They have achievements, passions, energy and large amounts of empathy. They know how difficult university life can be at the beginning. They themselves benefited from the support of tutors and now want to help their younger colleagues. more

Wust Golden Badges for Particularly Distinguished Faculty Employees

Date: 19.06.2024 Category: General

In recognition of their contributions to the development of our University, its rector – Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs – presented WUST Golden Badges to 39 people, including 12 from our Faculty. more

State Decorations for Our Employees

Date: 19.06.2024 Category: General

Prof. Halina Kwaśnicka received the Gold Cross of Merit. The Gold Medal for Long Service was awarded to: Prof. Urszula Markowska-Kaczmar, Dr. Jacek Mazurkiewicz and Dr. Zbigniew Staszak. more

Crowds of Future IT Specialists at Our Faculty!

Date: 09.05.2024 Category: General

Applications of VR, AI, welding and laser techniques shows, developing computer games, electromagnetic spectrum and recognizing emotions based on biometric signals are among the topics that attracted crowds of high school students. more

Winners of the CreatiWITy Competition!

Date: 09.05.2024 Category: General

We have found out about the winners of the competitionCreatiWITy for the best engineering thesis and the best team project. Congratulations to the winners! more

Piotr Browarski and Konrad Bik With Bronze Medals of the Polish Academic Championships

Date: 09.05.2024 Category: General

It's already spring, but we are still enjoying further medals won by our representatives in winter competitions, this time in alpine skiing and snowboarding. more

Diamonds, Dating, Bicycles, Depression... Results of Research by W4 Students Shown at the Poster Exhibition

Date: 24.04.2024 Category: General

“Most university projects are submitted digitally and after some time they are simply deleted from the disk. Therefore, the greatest advantage of preparing posters was the ability to see some real results of the entire semester's work" more

W4 Scientists to Launch First Private Millimetre-Wave-Band 5G Network in Europe at WUST

Date: 23.04.2024 Category: General

WUST operates a node of the PL-5G National Laboratory. Its part is the first in Europe private 5G network operating in Stand Alone mode in the 26GHz millimetre wave band launched by W4 scientists. more

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