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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Researchers from our Faculty High in the TOP 2% Ranking

Date: 27.10.2022 Category: General

Six researchers from our Faculty ranked high in the TOP 2% list of the most influential people of science in the world. Congratulations! A total of 46 WUST scientists were listed. The TOP 2% ranking lists researchers whose publications are most often quoted by other authors.

slajder_top_2proc_2.jpgThe ranking is prepared by Stanford University analysts, the Elsevier publishing house and SciTech Strategies company. It is an evaluation of the entire research output according to the bibliometric index and taking into account such criteria as: the Hirsch index, the number of citations (including self-citations) or the position on the list of authors. The list of scientists is divided into 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields. It includes a total of almost 200,000 names from all over the world.

Among Polish universities, Warsaw University has the largest number of influential researchers. Wrocław University of Science and Technology is ranked fourth, and third among Polish technical universities.

Prof. Rafał Weron from the Faculty of Management again ranked highest among our researchers. The next places were taken by Prof. Karl Keiner (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) and Prof. Katarzyna Chojnacka (Faculty of Chemistry).

Here is the list of all WUST researchers in the TOP 2% ranking:

Prof. Rafał Weron (Faculty of Management),
Prof. Karl Kainer (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering),
Prof. Katarzyna Chojnacka (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Paweł Pohl (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Grażyna Gryglewicz (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Marek Samoć (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Grzegorz Soboń (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems),
Prof. Michał Woźniak (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology),
* Prof. Stefan Chanas (Faculty of Computer Science and Management),
Prof. Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska (Faculty of Electrical Engineering),
Prof. Zbigniew Gronostajski (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering),
Prof. Robert D. Iskander (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology),
Prof. Stanisław Gryglewicz (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology),
Prof. Andrzej Trochimczuk (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Anna Witek-Krowiak (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Rafał Kudrawiec (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology),
Prof. Janusz Mroczka (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems),
Prof. Łukasz Sadowski (Faculty of Civil Engineering),
Prof. Izabela Michalak (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Józef Oleksyszyn (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Marek Bryjak (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Przemysław Kazienko (Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications),
Prof. Jolanta Bryjak (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology),
Prof. Krzysztof Walkowiak (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology),
Prof. Jan Misiewicz (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology),
Prof. Jan Drzymała (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology),
Prof. Rafał Zdunek (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems),
Prof. Dorota Kuchta (Faculty of Management),
Prof. Wacław Urbańczyk (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology),
Prof. Jarosław Sotor (Faculty of Electronics, Microsystems and Photonics),
Prof. Łukasz Berlicki (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Lech Madeyski (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology),
Prof. Krzysztof Abramski (Faculty of Electronics, Microsystems and Photonics),
*Prof. Tadeusz Łobos (Faculty of Electrical Engineering),
Prof. Zygmunt Sadowski (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Piotr Rutkowski (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Krzysztof Schabowicz (Faculty of Civil Engineering),
Prof. Ewa Lorenc-Grabowska (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Ewaryst Rafajłowicz (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology),
Prof. Krzysztof Szabat (Faculty of Electrical Engineering),
Prof. Henryk Kasprzak (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology),
Prof. Radosław Zimroz (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology),
Prof. Jan Masajada (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology),
Prof. Leszek Rycerz (Faculty of Chemistry).

The ranking was supplemented by a list of people whose publications were most cited by other authors in 2021. It includes 37 researchers from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

WUST researchers in the TOP 2% 2021 ranking:

slajder_top_2proc_4.jpgProf. Rafał Weron (Faculty of Management),
Prof. Katarzyna Chojnacka (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Karl Kainer (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering),
Prof. Paweł Pohl (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Grzegorz Soboń (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems),
Prof. Izabela Michalak (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Anna Witek-Krowiak (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Łukasz Sadowski (Faculty of Civil Engineering),
Prof. Michał Woźniak (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology),
Prof. Grażyna Gryglewicz (Faculty of Chemistry),
Dr. Jakub Jurasz (Faculty of Environmental Engineering),
Prof. Jarosław Sotor (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems),
Prof. Demis Pandelidis (Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering),
Prof. Krzysztof Schabowicz (Faculty of Civil Engineering),
Prof. Zbigniew Gronostajski (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering),
Prof. Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska (Faculty of Electrical Engineering),
Prof. Anna Szymczycha-Madeja (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Marcin Poręba (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Krzysztof Bogdan (Faculty of Mathematics),
Prof. Tomasz Trapko (Faculty of Civil Engineering),
Prof. Mateusz Kwaśnicki (Faculty of Mathematics),
Prof. Tomasz Downarowicz (Faculty of Mathematics),
Prof. Radosław Zimroz (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology),
Prof. Edward Chlebus (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering),
Prof. Marek Samoć (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Ewa Lorenc-Grabowska (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Lech Madeyski (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology),
Prof. Tomasz Kurzynowski (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering),
Prof. Łukasz Berlicki (Faculty of Chemistry),
Prof. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology),
Prof. Robert Kudrawiec (Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology),
Prof. Marek Hawryluk (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering),
Dr. Karol Krzempek (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems),
Prof. Grzegorz Lesiuk (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering),
Prof. Krzysztof Abramski (Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems),
Prof. Jan Drzymała (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology),
Prof. Krzysztof Walkowiak (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology).

The complete TOP 2% list is available here.

Most frequently cited works:

Prof. Przemysław Kazienko:

•    AdROSA – Adaptive personalization of web advertising
•    Emotion Recognition Using Wearables:A Systematic Literature Review – Work-in-progress
•    Multidimensional Social Network in the Social Recommender System
•    GED: the method for group evolution discovery in social networks

Prof. Lech Madeyski:

•    Towards identifying software project clusters with regard to defect prediction
•    Which Process Metrics Can Significantly Improve Defect Prediction Models?An Empirical Study
•    Overcoming the Equivalent Mutant Problem:A Systematic Literature Review and a Comparative Experiment of Second Order Mutation
•    Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering
•    Test-Driven Development:An Empirical Evaluation of Agile Practice
•    Judy – A Mutation Testing Tool for Java

Prof. Ewaryst Rafajłowicz:

•    Optimum choice of moving sensor trajectories for distributed-parameter system identification
•    On global rate of convergence of some nonparametric identification procedures
•    Nonparametric orthogonal series estimators of regression:A class attaining the optimal convergence rate in L2

Prof. Krzysztof Walkowiak:

•    Routing and spectrum assignment in spectrum sliced elastic optical path network
•    Survey of resource allocation schemes and algorithms in spectrally-spatially flexible optical networking
•    On the advantages of elastic optical networks for provisioning of cloud computing traffic


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