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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology


Researchers from our Faculty High in the TOP 2% Ranking

Date: 27.10.2022 Category: General

Six researchers from our Faculty ranked high in the TOP 2% list of the most influential people of science in the world. Congratulations! A total of 46 WUST scientists were listed. more

Our Faculty's Community Inauguration of the new academic year

Date: 26.10.2022 Category: General

Community and respect are two issues highlighted by Prof. Andrzej Kucharski, Dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology at WUST, when welcoming students, especially those newly admitted. more

Awards and Medals for WUST Researchers

Date: 24.10.2022 Category: General

During the official inauguration of the academic year, our researchers were awarded Medals of the National Education Commission and the rector's special Docendo Discimus awards. more

Artificial Intelligence Can Help Recognize Cancer Cells

Date: 14.10.2022 Category: General

How to distinguish cancer cells and facilitate the exchange of information between doctors? The solution may be a digital consultation platform with a cytological image recognition system. Such a solution was developed by scientists from WUST. more

Prof. Kamil Staniec with Professor's Nomination. Congratulations!

Date: 14.10.2022 Category: General

Prof. Kamil Staniec and three scientists from Wrocław University of Science and Technology have just received professor's nominations. They are: Prof. Wiesław Fiebig from W10, Prof. Marcin Nyk from W3 and Prof. Jan Masajada from W11. Congratulations! more

Gold Medal at the European Rowing Championships for Our Student

Date: 19.09.2022 Category: General

Zuzanna Jasińska, a student at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, won a gold medal at the European Youth Rowing Championships at Hazewinkel, Belgium. She competed in the light weight double sculls competition. more

Beginning of the "Cybertron" Game at Our Faculty and Wrocław Centre for Networking and Supercomputing

Date: 19.09.2022 Category: General

Hackers want to disturb the city's water supply. The disaster is near. This is how the game "Cybetron" begins. The competition will be open to students from Poland and the Czech Republic. more

Graduate From Our Faculty Becomes World Champion in Public Speaking

Date: 16.09.2022 Category: General

Cyril Junior Dim graduated with a second degree in applied computer science in English from our Faculty in February, and in August he won the world championship in public speaking in Nashville, USA. more

Computer Science Is Still the Most Popular Field Among University Candidates

Date: 16.09.2022 Category: General

Applied Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Technical Computer Science, Automation and Robotics – these are the most popular fields of study in the recruitment for first-cycle studies at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. more

Another Success – Paweł Zyblewski, Ph.D. with the MEiN Scholarship

Date: 07.09.2022 Category: General

Paweł Zyblewski, Ph.D. from our Faculty received a scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) for an outstanding young researcher. Among them, there wer six WUST researchers. Congratulations! more

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