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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology


Our Students on the Podium in the WUST Athlete of the Year 2023 Plebiscite

Date: 21.02.2024 Category: General

Piotr Browarski and Zuzanna Jasińska from our Faculty came second and third, respectively, in the plebiscite for the best athlete of the year at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The winner was Dorota Puzio. more

The Juvenalia Date Announced! Concerts at the City Stadium

Date: 21.02.2024 Category: General

This year's juvenalia will be jointly organized by nine Wrocław universities. A relevant letter of intent was signed today at the Tarczyński Arena Wrocław. Juvenalia concerts will be organized on the esplanade of this building on 22 and 23 May. more

What Music Says About Our Personality Students Investigate With the Help of AI

Date: 21.02.2024 Category: General

What does the music we listen to say about our personality? How can you choose something good to eat in Wrocław based on hundreds of thousands of restaurant reviews? Students of the Department of Artificial Intelligence investigated these questions. more

Master's Degree 2024: Online Meeting for W4 Candidates (UPDATED)

Date: 21.02.2024 Category: General

An online meeting for candidates for master's studies at W4 is behind us. On the WUST YouTube channel, we talked about the offer of master's studies at our University. The part devoted to the fields of study at our faculty. more

More Activity Student Change the Campus

Date: 21.02.2024 Category: General

The reorganization of the student sector and the plan for the Student Innovation Campus are further WUST activities related to the development of student activity. The benefits will go mainly to student research clubs at the University. more

Diploma Thesis of Our Graduate Awarded by PTI (UPDATE)

Date: 21.02.2024 Category: General

The master's thesis of Karolina Bąk from our Faculty was awarded in the National Competition of the Polish Information Technology Society for the best master's theses in the field of computer science. Congratulations! more

Prof. Robert Burduk with Professor Nomination. Congratulations!

Date: 21.02.2024 Category: General

Prof. Robert Burduk (Faculty of Information and Communication Technology), Prof. Kazimierz Bęcek (Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology) and Prof. Zbigniew Michna (Faculty of Management) are three new full professors at our University. more

Students from the Neuron Club Successful in NTX Hackathon

Date: 09.02.2024 Category: General

A project prepared by the Neuron student research club placed second in the software category in the hackathon organized by NeuroTechX. The competition was attended by over 1,000 contestants from 55 countries. more

Our Researchers in the Academy Professorum Iuniorum

Date: 09.02.2024 Category: General

Prof. Tomasz Kajdanowicz and Prof. Radosław Michalski from our Faculty are among the eighteen researchers in the first Academia Professorum Iuniorum. more

Zofia Kuriata – a Tireless Triathlete From Our Faculty

Date: 09.02.2024 Category: General

She spares no effort combining triathlon and... studying Algorithmic Computer Science at our Faculty. Last year she won three gold medals in the Polish Championships in the K20 category, and now she has even more ambitious goals. more

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